Black Mesa budget?


Jul 22, 2003
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Was Black Mesa originally a military facility? I mean, not every other Research Facility goes so deep in the ground, and has so many levels of security and blast chambers. You'd think that it would take ALOT of money to fund a project like this. Did the Goverment fund it? Or was it privately funded by the G-man and his colleagues(sp?) It's always boggled my mind

I'm guessing the Goverment funded it considering there was Military personel for Guards, and the fact that once you get near the Lambda core there is alot of experiments and Aliens in cages.

Your thoughts?
Since I havent played HL1 SP in ages, why where the military sent down into black mesa anyway ?
The soldiers were sent to clean up the situation, all of the Black Mesa scientists etc. were told they were coming to rescue them.
It was basically a government coverup.
Goverment otherwise there wouldent came military to Black Mesa!I think Black Mesa is like "out" Area 51...
And wasent it US army that spent xxxx milions on whater? :D
G-man..... government man....... I'm thinking government funded. Hmmm.... G-spot... government spot.... might explain a few things.....
Originally posted by FlyingAnts
G-man..... government man....... I'm thinking government funded. Hmmm.... G-spot... government spot.... might explain a few things.....

lol :D

I often wondered about the budget, because that facility is huge. I never thought about it too hard, though. :)
Eeh, not really. Your post was just silly ;).

I think it is just a big goverment funded research base (stargate base) kinda thing. maby it falls under the Man in Black budget

anyway I think it is jsut stupid to discuss things like there where you will never find the trueth about it. because I dont really think valve has thought up stuff like this
I believe the facility began as an underground missile base of sorts, but was later renovated and built upon to become Black Mesa. Theres a lot of info floating around on it, but I forget where much of it is.
millitary was sent to completely prevent the situation from in any way being exposed to human kind by killing everyone there (exept eachother)

then my theory is the g-man sends in the assassins because they would do a beter clean up job and they could take out all the marines (in op4 you and your teamates combat them) and aliens and scientists ect and basically erase the event off the planet (who knows why the information was safe with the assassins probably something up the g-mans sleeve)

op4 has alot of advanced plot hints I suggest to anyone who wants to freshen up on they plot should complete not only hl over but also op4 a couple times. also blueshift at least once its good despite the fact its the the worst of the three, but that doesent say much at all its still an amazeingly good run for the money and with hd pack it was definatley worth the purchase play though that as well
Originally posted by alb1221
I suggest to anyone who wants to freshen up on they plot should complete not only hl over but also op4 a couple times

Thats what Im doing now, Im replaying HL1, then OP4. Ive never played HL Blue Shift. Should I?
definatley, its short and buggy but definatley worth it!!

its a great game no matter what people whine about its fun, its official, it reveals things youve never known about hl's plot, and its downright cool with a REALLY sah-weeet ending :borg:

ooh and I found out black mesa is a town in oklahoma :cool: lol

and arizona okay lol il stop

LAST ONE its a resturaunt in where else but NEW MEXICO done
If it was a military base, you'd have a much higher caliber of security Barneys with pistols. You'd have uniformed military personnel with nice big guns (like the marines they eventually send in to BM). Just my 2 cents.

Could it have maybe been some big corporation doing the research then? I think even a big corporation would put a whole lot more into having a good security staff...I guess that's one thing (and pretty much the only thing) that's bugged me about the first game is the incompetence of the security guarding this incredibly secret research facility.

Oh well, I'm done being nitpicky (-:
I think black mesa was owned by the government. They weren't trying to stop the aliens from getting out of black mesa because they had already gotten out. At the beginning of opposing it's alien ships that down the helicopters. The government send in the marines and maybe the black ops as a test to see who'd survive. As you can see no one that survived really got away and will be in hl2 except for maybe shepard.
I believe it was a government funded research facility built over a cold war missle facility. If you remember, there were several missile silos (you even went into one that was used to test engines and killed the first pitworms).

The place was massive though, and had tons of labs to test multiple things. Pretty crazy stuff. The anomylous materials lab is where Freeman worked, and where hell started. Lambda is where the team of scientists came up with an idea to stop some "hive mind" that we later found was nihilanth. There were others, mostly introduced in detail in op4 and blueshift, as we ran through them so fast in HL.
Originally posted by Marauder
I believe it was a government funded research facility built over a cold war missle facility.

DING! DING! DING! Correct.

The Black Mesa Research Facility is an ex-military base. Also by judging by the stock of large missles and weapons. It would have been bulit a bit after WWII. The Cold War would be the most likely place incase of an possible invasion through Mexico. (I guess)

Weapons like the crossbow is a British wepon that was made during WWII. Being that America and Britian were allies during the time America got some weapons.

So to the point.

BMRF was built during the Cold War between Russia and the US.

BMRF was decomissioned some years after the Cold War and turned into a research facility to save the costs of taking the place apart.
Black Mesa...i still have shivers...really...;(

i love Half-Life.....

its just a computer game. it is not funded by the government. what kind of weirdo question is that.

no it wasnt previously a missle base etc. its just black mesa, a collection of models, entities, textures and shapes.

strange people.
Re: um

Originally posted by doser
its just a computer game. it is not funded by the government. what kind of weirdo question is that.

no it wasnt previously a missle base etc. its just black mesa, a collection of models, entities, textures and shapes.

strange people.

You like telling little kids there's no such thing as Santa, don't you?
You also take every opportunity to ruin suspension of disbelief for anyone watching a movie?