Black Mesa scientists in front of Borealis...



I don't know if this has been discussed before but I noticed that two scientists from the photo in Isaac's laboratory (presenting various scientist from Sector C Anomalous Materials laboratories) are in a photo of Borealis docked in presented after the conversation of Judith and Eli in White Forest Rocket Facility.
Wow, great catch...and it does seem like they were copied exactly from the orginal
Noticed this the other day. It's the bearded scientist and a short woman scientist.
pics plz, anyone?

My god! They are the same scientists!!!! fantastic find blackparty

How can the black mesa scientists be working for aperture as well? How???
just because its cropped doesnt mean that it doesnt contain a hint, btw which one is magnusson in that photo?
Okay: Here's all I can think of:
From the left:
Generic Scientist 1, Eli Vance, Female Generic Scientist 1, some crazy gay guy, Breen, Magnusson, Kleiner, Freeman, And that guy that looks like the Gman [BUT IS NOT THE GMAN, TARDS!].
I got the feeling they were supposed to be the same. The only difference is that the moniters aren't on the walls anymore, so they are proboaly out of frame.
I noticed that it doesen't have the global map behind the desk too, I think it's supposed to be the same place though.
He probably wore a labcoat as well. Even though he was the administrator i guess he would still need to have one?
the games that were created by Gearbox are not connected to the original Half Life game afaik (aka Blueshift & Opposing Force)

the folks standing on the Borealis pic are most likely scienteists we do not know of yet (could most likely appear in ep3), was bout to say that the girl looks like Mossman but she isn't that short :p. Either way, this sort of gives the proof how the rest of the Scientists in Black Mesa got information about the Borealis (Eli and Kliener)
@ Garbel: not connected? Blueshift and Opposing Force are both canon (unless they go a different way then Half-Life 1 or 2. Valve > Gearbox).
Why do you guys suggest that they all work for aperture,the photo is taken in black messa,or am i missing something :-]
you are missing the picture of two people from the black mesa picture standing in front of the ship that belongs to Aperture science
A.M.G Anomalous material group.

Also nice That the picture is taken in a real HL1 location

only me that thinks these two places look the same?


Similar but with enough differences that I say the modeler needs to play Half Life 1 again :D
oh so Blueshift and OF is included, goodie then, guess i got that corrected, hehe. But yeah, i'm wondering the same, those two pics look similar, but something tells me that might be Dr.Breen's office, or let's say..The administrator's office.
Maybe thats how VAVLe really wanted that place to look like. Or they wanted to put a new spin on a well known room.

1. Reimagining a room like that is likely to be more fun than slavishly recreating it.
2. It gets some fans all foam-mouthed.
My theory is that since Black Mesa no longer physically exists during the time when this shot was taken from Ep2, it is the GMan talking to Freeman in the imagined environment of a place either (or both) of them are familiar with. (Think back to the Black Mesa train flying through space at the end of you think that you were physically inside that train which found it's way to space, courtesy of the GMan?)
My theory is that since Black Mesa no longer physically exists during the time when this shot was taken from Ep2, it is the GMan talking to Freeman in the imagined environment of a place either (or both) of them are familiar with. (Think back to the Black Mesa train flying through space at the end of you think that you were physically inside that train which found it's way to space, courtesy of the GMan?)

You have a point, that room didn't look very friendly or happy place to be.
Why not? Could have been a real train. One thing that seems likely is that the GMan would be perfectly happy with us not knowing the bounds of his powers. Maybe the things we see during his monologues are contructs, maybe they are real, maybe it's a mix of both etc etc. A very good reason for the GMeister to be willing to sacrifice Eli is if he was about to reveal to us a way to combat his influence. At the moment we may have a degree of protection courtesy of the Vortigaunts but he still appears to be getting his way.
I'd guess it was. The use of a familiar location from his past frames Frremans exploits in time, it's also useful in the narrative to point out a couple of things, that you've come a long way with his help and that in game terms your adventures in HL1 and HL2 are related. It doesn't even matter if you think that the room is the same since even if it's just a section of the Mesa complex it still serves the same purpose.
it also helps that he starts talking about plucking alyx from black mesa at that part.
I got the feeling they were supposed to be the same. The only difference is that the moniters aren't on the walls anymore, so they are proboaly out of frame.

yes they are out of frame, i got there with noclip:

and beyond this i noticed Eli is on the monitors (a frozen image) why do we think this is?