Black Mesa: Source Update



From the first moment you open Half-Life, you are immersed into such a deep and clear world that it is very hard to pull yourself out of until you have completed the game. The team at Black Mesa: Source have been working on what they think will be a great homage to the brilliance that was Half-Life. If you have not seen their previous work, check out their media page at their website. [br]</br>They have been featured in PCGamerUK just recently and have decided to showcase some of their recent work for the community. Below you see high resolution screenshots of Surface Tension and Forget About Freeman, as well as Concept Art and the first skinned model for the mod. [br]

[br]For more information about Black Mesa: Source, head on over to their website.
The dam looks really impressive.. really can't wait to try this mod.
wow looks really good another mod i cant wait for, i like the style on that concept.
It is indeed a concept for a non-existant area but with some other bits in it we wanted to look into.
Those maps look awesome, and their website is great too. I wonder how far they are in terms of % of redoing all the Half-life levels...I wanna see what they do with xen :E
I'm looking forward to this one for sure. :):D:):D
first skinned model?
oh man, this mod is gonna take awhile to complete.
...and it looks so good too. :(
That'd be our first skinned gun model, in addition to the satchel and grenades, however quite a few props and other misc. models have been skinned.
It's the first skinned model we have released, that was written pretty badly.

We are roughly 25-30% complete we estimate.
25-30% eh?
That is a lot of work considering how much there is to redo, and how detailed you guys are making the levels...its gonna be a while before release though :(

Ah well, at least its gonna be quality work :thumbs:
There are unskinned renders of the Gargantua and Marine on our web site. The skinned marine can be found in the PC Gamer article.
Great looking mod STILL. Can't wait for it finished. Keep it up boys
Definitely looking very impressive. I'm particularily fond of the dam shot- great sense of scale there!

Can't wait to see how some of the more "classic" interiors turn out...
I thought about buying the Steam Gold Pack to get to play HL once more but with good looking water but ill pass and wait for this mod :D
Garfield_ said:
I thought about buying the Steam Gold Pack to get to play HL once more but with good looking water but ill pass and wait for this mod :D
You would have only needed silver to play HL:S, but anyhow, thanks for all your comments, we really appreciate them all, good or bad.
OMG this is uber good! Valve couldnt have done it better, its easy to recognise the levels and they have the good HL feeling.

I cant wait to see BM:S Xen screenshots
We wanted to make surface tension big, it really should have been in the original if not for the engine limits. Not sure exactly how much bigger than dam is than the original, but it's a fair bit :)
Really looking forward to this. Great work :)
That is....brilliant. I've been following this mod on their forums for a while, can't wait to play it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Really looking forward to this. Great work :)
I can't wait to see the screenshots of that sheer drop on the side of the Mesa. The one where you see the jet aircraft and the river blow you
25-30%? that's a lot farther than i expected, this is really cool!
That was before they extended their modding team, so hopefully they will increase in production speed
excellent work for a game which -after almost 7 years- is still the best game of all time.
I would gladly pay money for this if it was to be retailed. ur efforts r really appreciated. keep up the excellent work guys :)
This game is gonna be awsome!!!!!!
Are there gonna be side rooms that wernt in the original.......
In the beginning(right after you come off the tram) i would have liked to have seen more of the labs and interact with more things. I wanted a better sense that i was in this huge lab where different experiments were taking place other thab the one your involved in and that everything was breathing
Wow. Awsome job guys. I cannot wait to play this mod.
/me prays it's not another college project that will be given up before release.
Nope not a college/university project, although several of us do attend university.

There will be side rooms where they are relevant and are of use
This is looking really good. I'm actually quite excited about this mod now. Playing through the original, which I still think is better than the sequal in many ways, with a proper Source conversion is going to be great!

It's also inspiring - Makes me want to get involved & be part of the Mod community for HL2. I wish I had the time & the patience to learn the SDK tools. Would be great to work on somethig like this. One day maybe.
dude this is so awesome, i love it more than fried chicken. (well almost) But wow this is kool. I want to play now. I cant wait to see how they are going to model nihilanth and those huge monsters you have to face