Black suited guys



Does anybody have any kind of information what those black suited 'ninjas' were in half life 1 (at least in opposing force). I just started to think what those could be and didn't find any rational explanation. They were kinda odd guys cuz they attacked pretty much everybody, even the marines.
Ennui said:
Black Op assassins.
Alright, thx for that. Do they have some special role in the game and who do they work for etc. I mean they couldn't just be "I was walking near that place and decided to assassinate someone..." It would be nice if someone could tell little bit about them.
They were sent by the government to assassinate you, Gordon Freeman.
Going by the Opposing Force storyline, the military failed to contain the crisis and pulled out, so the Black Ops were sent in to finish the job, which meant killing any stragglers from the military as well as the science team and the aliens.
Ok thx. Just being curious... how do you know that? I mean I played that first Half-Life like in 1999 maybe I just don't remember but was it said in game and how if so?
You gotta remember that with HL they don't tell you to much you have to figure out most of it for your own.

I also think that in Opposing Forces one of the marines might have said it, but with HL it just seems kind of logical.
Fella said:
Ok thx. Just being curious... how do you know that? I mean I played that first Half-Life like in 1999 maybe I just don't remember but was it said in game and how if so?

In Opposing Force there are two Black Ops talking and say something along the lines, "Why do we always have to finish whatever the grunts can't handle"

Is that enough proof for you?
ya know what i dont get, were were the combine in the first halflfife, becasue i was confused, when the combine were not in halflfie 1, thay should of been, and why dont thay have the black ops or the marines in hl 2, valve should of had them all in both games -_-

why black ops or marines in hl 2 and whywerent the combine in hl 1
In Half-Life 1, the portal storms haven't started yet, therefor the Combine are not on Earth yet. As for the why the BO and marines not being in Half-life 2 is becuase it's been about 20 years sence the first game and the Combine have killed (or turned to stalkers) anyone who opposed them in a violent way.
It does seem illogical for the marines to be killing the scientists, i mean that would be a hard order to follow, shooting unarmed americans is not ok with most people. And again its a proplem for the Black Ops to be shooting marines, because fratracide is bigger than wacking Joe Q Civi.

I think the military (Marines) were sent in as the goverment's rational response to the alien invasion. While our heroes of Black Mesa are doing their thing, its a full scale battle on, under, and above ground. F-16's are fighting, its chaos.

The order for marines to kill the employees still does not sit right, but lets assume that who ever sent the marines knows that someone at black mesa might be responsable for the portals.

I will say that the person who sent in the marines and gave the order to kill the scientists was the G-man. My evidence is, that the g-man has connections with both black mesa personell and the marines, both treat him with respect. He never is seen with the black ops.

Who was the g-man (and thus the marines) trying to kill by eliminating all of the civis at black mesa? I think it was Breen and his buddies for reasons i will get to in a sec.

But why would the g-man kill so many people just to get Breen? I am a member or the camp that believe that the G-man is an alien, that wants to use earth and its people as a battleground against the combine. Before the portals storms, the G-man was in a place of power to direct reseach at black mesa and to be in with the military. I think he was giving us the nessary technology to fight the combine.

So lets get to the meat of the issue, why are the black ops there doing damage to everybody? I want to propose that they were sent by Breen to counter the marines and the potential problem of the civi's at black mesa. Breen wants the combine on earth, and the marines are a problem. They have the heavy weapons nessary to beat back the Xen aliens, and Xen-Combine technoloy. And the Marines are able to go head to head more or less because the Xen-combine are low in number and not really prepared for a massive invasion, the marines are able to keep a beachead on earth from being formed.

Now all of the above is to be considered to be choices made without consideration to Barney , Shepard, or Freeman who at this point are not yet know to the G-man or Breen to have any of the abilities that they show in the game.

Breen's actions, if im close to right, are offesive in nature. Stop the G-man from arming humanity and get the combine into earth now, from xen.

G-man seems to be on the defensive here and I don't think he saw the events of HL1 coming, The xen-combine start coming through the portal, getting more orgainized every minute. The Marines fighting the Xen-combine is a stalling move at best, with the more combine like technology getting to earth at the end of the game, the marines are starting to loose. The only way to stop the portal was to find who started them, and time is not on the G-man's side, so he orders the marines to kill everyone.

When our heroes get into the picture, they are noticed to be really something special. Marines go after Freeman because the gman thinks he might be responsable for the cascade and thus in line with the combine, black ops go after freeman, because Breen knows freeman, and the lamda scientists are a threat. Shepard gets hate from the black ops because the black ops not wanting the marines here. I think the Black ops got lied to with their order to go after the marines and that would be easy too. Just say they are infected with whatever alien mumbojunk you want.

So a very longwinded answer to a simple question. But in the half life series, you findyourself mixed into these big power plays, not causing them, but experiancing them.
Good post....however, I have a problem with that theory. I cant imagine The G-Man not having something to do with the Black Mesa Incident. I think he was responsible for the residence cascade and made it so Gordon was the one who put the crystal in the whatever it was.
Alot of people think that, but remeber it was Breen who got you into black mesa. And why would the G-man have any intrest in you before you start killing people. Gordon has no skill sets, and he gets the lowest job for a hazard suit. I mean it would take a hell of a talent scout to pick Gordon out before he started to kill stuff.

I think the G-man was into exploring Xen, because that was going on before the cascade. But if the cascade was the g-man's doing, then that would not be in line with his actions of staying the heck away from the xenians and sticking with the humans.

Again there is the theory that the G-man used the cascade as a becon to lure the Combine to earth but humanity was still not ready.

But I think we can rule out the G-man being behind the black ops though.

As for the idea of the G-man starting the black mesa incident, it just seems like he would not have as much to gain from it. I mean, if Gordon had not been there, the g-man would have lost earth and lost everything and breen would have won.

Just because Gordon was present does not make gordon special. I mean since this is a game, he HAD to be in the chamber from a design standpoint. Alot of people make a assumption that gordon is somehow special and that he was placed in the chamber to do what he did in the game, like it was pre desitined.

But I agree that someone had to know what was going down. Its clear that the experiment was off the normal way of doing things and that it was being pushed by the administrator, but both G-man and Breen had that title.

If we do want to get into the who caused it discussion we can do that, but on the issue at hand, the black ops. I still see G-man not being behind it, but Breen is a perfect fit.

We all know that much of the detail in the universe came from stuff from HL2 which was kinda just tacked on to the HL1 events. But in the HL universe where answers are not really ever given, it works well
You make very good points....You see G-Man in Black Mesa right before the Incident, thats the only reason I figured he had somthing to do with it. You see him talking to a scientist about who knows what.....

I guess we arent getting anywhere seeing as NO ONE knows :)
Breen wasn't the one who got you into Black Mesa. Dr. Kleiner suggested you for the position and you were given the OK by an "unknown sponsor," who many suspected to be the G-man--this seems to have been confirmed in a recent Episode One interview where Robin Walker said that the G-man used the events of Black Mesa to shape Gordon into a tool for his use.

The idea that Breen knew about the Combine pre-storms is also implausible because the Combine didn't know about EARTH pre-storm. Therefore he would have had no knowledge or contact with them and would not have hired the Black Ops to combat the marines.

The problem is that the "black ops vs. marines" in Half-Life came about in Opposing Force, Gearbox's creation. And while Valve maintains that Gearbox's works are canon, recall that in Half-Life there was absolutely NO fighting between the black ops and HECU. That's really an error on Gearbox's part, which is why we now have a thread trying to figure it out.

We know that the G-man hired HECU in advance to contain an incident which he had prior knowledge of (the resonance cascade and the ensuing invasion from Xen). The military was given the go-ahead to kill all scientists as a cover-up in addition to the order to halt the alien forces.

Now, in Half-Life, the black ops were seen an augment to the marines...stealthier, deadlier, more of a challenge for Gordon Freeman. In OpFor however they're fighting against everybody. Despite this, it appears that they are ALSO working for the G-man.

Consider that the black ops got their orders from a high-up source to clean up any loose threads and then destroy Black Mesa. This is precisely what the G-man is attempting to do. He even states to Corporal Shephard, "I cannot finish my report until certain loose ends are tied up," or something to that effect. In OpFor, the black ops had orders to arm a nuclear warhead and destroy BMRF. Adrian Shephard disarms this bomb, but we later see the G-man rearm it. Also consider that HECU's second order was to silence facility members, and the G-man places Adrian in stasis to silence him. Thus, the marines are used to silence scientists and the black ops are used to silence marines.

So the G-man was behind the whole thing. He was working for Breen as his liason, close to both the anomalous materials department (where Freeman worked) and had the authorization to bring in the military (to watch over Adrian Shephard, who he'd secretly picked out to be his possible pawn). Breen was oblivious, but the G-man could count on Breen, a man of progress and science, to demand that sample GG-3883 would be put through the anti-mass spectrometer. The G-man manipulated everything from the beginning. For what, we don't know, aside from wanting someone like Gordon or Adrian to work for him, and possibly the control of Xen for whatever purpose. But it was he who sent the marines on the scientists, and the black ops on the marines...and in a way, he set the aliens on them both, albeit indirectly. And of course, he set Freeman against them all, and Adrian against Freeman. Quite a web he wove.
Where are you getting the idea that the G-man hired HECU or that he had prior knowlege.

an you say that breen's knowlegde about the Combine is impossible. I would argue that it is very possible because contact with xen had be made pefore the cascade. And while there is argument over how much the combine ruled xen, they were there in some form.

You state alot of facts but where are you getting these?

I do agree that G-man was with the marines, but they if the new about an invasion coming, they took their sweet time bringing in the nessary heavy weapons.

So if we discount sheperd's black op's experiance and chalk it up to gearbox not wanting to make new bad guys.

I ask what you are using to base these asumptions on from the game. Since I still hearld the Half Life Saga Timeline sight to be the best guess at this time, even if i disagree with the assumed ultimate goal of the g-man.

Also I think that there is alot more evidence that th G-man is not human, and is really powerfull at that. Put your self in the g-man's shoes, your a smart and powerfull enitity with the ability to warp time and space. Your not going to work for some human that wants to end up working for the bad guys. Im not saying the G-man is good, but he hates the combine. I mean unless you want to argue that the g-man does not think like we do, there is no ration reason for the g-man to work for breen.

again cite some stuff and we can debate
I think that both of you are thinking that the G-Man is god. I am going to have to argue that he is not. he is a being with very advanced tech and unknown motives yes, but not God. (unless you think G = god?)
I think hes saying that he worked for breen just so he could do what he needed to do to start the residents cascade. And as soon as that was completed, he was on his way.......
G-man probably did have prior knowledge because remember he can sort of alter time. (I know he can not control time and all that so do not bother with that stupid pic of "If you believe GMan...." rubbish.)
Almost makes me want to start playing the expansions again....almost
Fella said:
They were kinda odd guys cuz they attacked pretty much everybody, even the marines.
They were especially odd guys considering they had breasts :p
Russian Mafia's explanation didn't make clear why were the black ops killing marines but the Darkside55's theory sounds logical (I just wonder what means 'HECU'). I played first part of Half-Life when I hardly understood English (10-11 years old) so I guess I missed pretty much about the plot. So when I finished Half-Life 2 some days ago I started to think about those things like black ops and why did G-man lock up Adrian Shephard there in Opposing Force. And I didn't even remember that those black ops had breasts (I also wonder what means 'liason'). And the sentence"I cannot finish my report until certain loose ends are tied up," sounds to me as G-man was working for somebody.
Well GMan wont stop mentioning his employers in HL1 and the expansions. Also HECU means Hazardous Environment Combat Unit.
G-man had prior knowledge of the Black Mesa Incident, in the OP4 handbook you cen read some pages from shephards diary that a "goverment guy" had been following him with his eyes several times and that the HECU had been set on standby by higherups for a operation in the near future.

also, you can see G-man overlooking the training camp in the OP4 training level, so Darkside ain't just makeing this up, there are evidence.
As Arkangel said, the OpFor manual shows that the G-man had been hanging around the military base for over a month before the incident. He can be seen talking to an officer on the base about the marines, and watching them train. As liason to BMRF he also had the necessary clout to hire the marines for HECU (Hazardous Environment Combat Unit).

Breen's knowledge of the Combine is impossible because the Combine were never on Xen, nor do they have any knowledge of Xen. Nihilanth and all those species fled their planet either before or during a Combine attack on their homeworld, and they left to Xen. The Combine could not follow them there. Thus the Combine knew about the Nihilanth, the controllers, grunts, vortigaunts, all those species...but they didn't know where they went. Xen was hidden from them, in another universe in fact. So while Breen of course had knowledge about Xen, he didn't have knowledge about the Combine because the Combine couldn't communicate with Xen--let alone Earth--and furthermore the Xenians weren't sharing information about the Combine with the humans. Breen was only introduced to the Combine after the portal storms.

Fella, liason means that you act in someone else's place, but you have all their authority. The G-man is Breen's liason, so basically his word is Breen's word. If he tells someone to do something, he's speaking with the authority of the administrator of the Black Mesa Research Facility.