Black & White 2 IGN Review !

From what I've heard a demo should be out in a day or two.:)
Gargantou said:
From what I've heard a demo should be out in a day or two.:)
HOLY SHENS that's like the 8th demo for an awsome game to come out this month! :D
yay for Christmas buying season! :cheers:
Gargantou said:
From what I've heard a demo should be out in a day or two.:)
omg ! really !?
ill kiss you if its true !
Yesh, from what I've -heard- the demo will be on the next issue of PCGamer which subscribers should recieve in a day or two, and then the demo'll undoubtedly leak onto the humongous intranetz.
This is good, I was getting worried about the average reviews the game was getting elsewhere (albeit in throwaway games mags, but whatever).
Edge gave it 7/10 - it sounds pretty fun, but not as great as i'd hoped.

Probably worth getting to see if you can teach your monkey to eat poo, or something :)
It seems like the reviewer couldn't find many negatives with it apart from the lack of real "intimate" (his word not mine) connection with his followers and a lack of a divine feel...

He also mentioned he wasn't a big fan of the first so I say take the review with a grain of salt.
It'll be good to just stuff around and enjoy the worlds.
If you want a demo, just play B&W1 and think what it could be with a few years dev.
AmishSlayer said:
It seems like the reviewer couldn't find many negatives with it apart from the lack of real "intimate" (his word not mine) connection with his followers and a lack of a divine feel...

He also mentioned he wasn't a big fan of the first so I say take the review with a grain of salt.

That's how I felt about the original.

B&Ws biggest problem was that it didn't make me feel like a god in the slightest, more an underpaid and unappreciated babysitter trying to look a tribe of morons while teaching an pet with learning difficulties how to wipe its own ass.