Blackness and hammer :(


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
I got this annoying problem with my Hammer Editor. See the Link.

I've been following this tutorial ( )

And his box is colored, and mine is just a yellow box...
It is so annoying!!!

There is also this other problem...
I'm trying to create some entities, but I can't find the box in the "rolldown" menu. I only see: Primitives,Prefabs and Prefabs HL2.

Help would be much appreciated.
If you need more information about my problems please tell.
I've made a couple of pics to help you out. I'll address each question with a pic to explain. :)

1. From what it looks like, you haven't selected the right display properties. You only have the wireframe mode on. Here's a pic to explain how to change that.

2. This one is pretty simple. Take a look.
- The image was sized down a bit so i'll explain. Click the "block tool" on the left side of Hammer. Once selected, check the right side for various options on changing the shape and other things. Click in the top/side viewport to drag out the shape and size of the block and then hit Enter to actually make the block.

Happy Editing. :)
For the first problem, go into the View tab, and several options down, there should be three which start with '3D'. Now, select 3D Textured Polygons, and you should be set.

Ahh, miss interpreted the second question

And I see someone else posted before I. :(
I had the same problem when first launching hammer for the first time (after I offcourse set it up and made a new mod). I was working with a friend of mine over MSN and I could not understand what he tried to explain, then I realized my monitor was showing something else than his, escpesially in the 3D-view. All settings was the same, but 3D view only showed wirefram despite 3d texture was selected.

The only way I could solve the matter was to reinstall the SDK.

Not easy to tell wether its Hammer bug or yourself that has done something wrong sometimes.