Blasphemy Challenge


Apr 22, 2004
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A group of activist athiests are challenging other athiests to show off their colors on youtube. I would do this, but I'm too lazy to start a youtube account and film a video of my ugly mug and such....
That's because you're mormon.

A mormon we all love.

But yeah...I actually gotta agree. This is pretty stupid. I've seen the Rational Response Squad on Myspace. They're quite...militant.
I just see it as adding more fuel to the fire. If you don't agree with their ideas, then just let them be.
Yah, you'll get some over zealous kooks out there, but this just seems to be on the opposite side of the spectrum.
People are going to have different opinions about everything, they can't force it on you, I know they try and some politely offer, but there's little harm.
No reason to call the other stupid.
Heck, I believe 99% of everyone is going to some degree of Heaven.
Atheists: "Since you cannot prove that He exists, it follows that he doesn't exist."
Christians: "Since you cannot prove that He doesn't exist, it follows that he exists."

Both groups embrace the same type of circular logic.
I went on a mission (and plan to go back out) and preach my religion. I'm not knocking on your door to bug yah, make you mad, or anything of that sort. The reason why I'm knocking on your door is because my religion has helped me and makes me happy, I want to share that.

If you don't want to hear it, just say so, but please do it in a nice manner. I'm doing it because I think it will make you happy, but the last thing I ever want to do is force my religion on you.

We have free agency, the right to choose. God nor the Devil can take that away from you.

Likewise for Christians and mentioned by Geogaddi. Too many Christians are full of hate towards atheists. Sadly it seems like a lot of Christians miss the whole point of being Christlike. Where's the tolerance and love? Yah I believe in a right and wrong, but love the sinner, hate the sin.
I move that we create a new Rational Response Team, which, instead of pushing hardcore Atheism, pushes a more moderate "Think for yourself" motif.

i.e. Instead of saying religion is 100% wrong, we show that the Bible is not to be taken literally, and focus on the importance of skepticism in every aspect of one's life.

... Or, you know, we can just copy and paste every one of Mecha's posts and spam them on every forum in existence. Whichever works.
I went on a mission (and plan to go back out) and preach my religion. I'm not knocking on your door to bug yah, make you mad, or anything of that sort. The reason why I'm knocking on your door is because my religion has helped me and makes me happy, I want to share that.

If you don't want to hear it, just say so, but please do it in a nice manner. I'm doing it because I think it will make you happy, but the last thing I ever want to do is force my religion on you.

We have free agency, the right to choose. God nor the Devil can take that away from you.

Likewise for Christians and mentioned by Geogaddi. Too many Christians are full of hate towards atheists. Sadly it seems like a lot of Christians miss the whole point of being Christlike. Where's the tolerance and love? Yah I believe in a right and wrong, but love the sinner, hate the sin.

Exactly. Tis why we all love ya.
I've already sold my soul to about three different people. There's going to be a big court battle in the afterlife.

-Angry Lawyer
Hes a lawyer, he can sort things out. Im a christian.

Uriel said:
We have free agency, the right to choose. God nor the Devil can take that away from you.

QTF God gave man a chioce to follow him or follow the devil. Thats special about men.
Bet they have their fingers crossed. That's no eternal damnnationsies.
Christians should hate atheists, the bible practically tells them to.

And theres nothing stupid about that video, I applaud it.
No, because I've already burnt my Mohammed effigy, so I've got quite enough enemies at the minute thank you very much.
Christians should hate atheists, the bible practically tells them to.

And theres nothing stupid about that video, I applaud it.

I thought it told us to love everyone? You know that love thy neighbor AND thy enemy. Just remember, not all of us believe the bible is completely correct.

You also gotta remember the law of Moses was replaced.

Some of us also believe the Book of Mormon to be the more correct word of God than the Bible.

You should read it, if anything it's an interesting book.
I thought it told us to love everyone? You know that love thy neighbor AND thy enemy. Just remember, not all of us believe the bible is completely correct.
So you just get to pick and choose what you believe from your sacred scrolls?
You also gotta remember the law of Moses was replaced.
No it wasn't. Jesus never says this, Jesus says "Let not one letter of the old laws be removed until eternity".
Some of us also believe the Book of Mormon to be the more correct word of God than the Bible.
Based on what evidence?
You should read it, if anything it's an interesting book.
You read the God Delusion, and I'll read the book of Mormon.
As agnostic as I am, I always find the argument "You can't pick and choose your religion" to be an odd one. It's like saying you can't have changing opinions on science. Without the ability to question certain beliefs, you're stuck in a progressless rut. Science is all about questioning previously-held beliefs and creating newer, closer-to-reality ones. Why do you refuse that religious people can do the same?

-Angry Lawyer
I went on a mission (and plan to go back out) and preach my religion. I'm not knocking on your door to bug yah, make you mad, or anything of that sort. The reason why I'm knocking on your door is because my religion has helped me and makes me happy, I want to share that.

i know you don't mean it, but i still find this very offensive. just be happy and leave us alone.
As agnostic as I am, I always find the argument "You can't pick and choose your religion" to be an odd one. It's like saying you can't have changing opinions on science. Without the ability to question certain beliefs, you're stuck in a progressless rut. Science is all about questioning previously-held beliefs and creating newer, closer-to-reality ones. Why do you refuse that religious people can do the same?

-Angry Lawyer
It just points out the basic flaw in religion, that it isn't based on any evidence or valid reasoning, which allows people to just swap religions, pick and choose, like its a pick 'n' mix at a sweet shop.

You can't pick bits out of different scientific theories and just accept them with no evidence.
People will always believe irrational things. Why is it such a bad thing that people choose to believe the rational things that are helpful, and blot out things like "Kill Atheists"? Do you want more religious extremism, or what? People being able to change their religious views allows for a calmer world with less bloodshed.

-Angry Lawyer
This is a stupid idea; it'll offend a lot of people besides just bieng genarally stupid.
Atheists: "Since you cannot prove that He exists, it follows that he doesn't exist."
Christians: "Since you cannot prove that He doesn't exist, it follows that he exists."

Both groups embrace the same type of circular logic.
I wouldn't bequeath the term "logic" to many arguments in favour of a deity and I certainly wouldn't apply it to that argument. It's such a cop-out.

However, and okay I might be somewhat biased, atheistic arguments are usually far, far more logistically sound.
Religious nuts are humerous to observe. I wish more to post here.
So you just get to pick and choose what you believe from your sacred scrolls?
People pick what tthey believe by what religion they join.
No it wasn't. Jesus never says this, Jesus says "Let not one letter of the old laws be removed until eternity".
Never changed? Ok, here's this- matthew 5:27-28: (this is Jesus talking) "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after hath committed aldultery in his heart." And that's just one example. Meanwhile, I've never heard that "scripture" you quoted...
Based on what evidence?
Based on the fact that there's a whole religion based around it...?
You read the God Delusion, and I'll read the book of Mormon.
If you need to make deals like that, then you probably wouldn't want to read the BoM anyway.

Nothing to see here folks, just solaris talking about something he knows nothing about. Again.
After watching Jesus Camp (read my small thoughts in the Film section) this makes me just as sad. That people would find this necessary or amusing is beyond me. Just because you're an atheist (which I have been in the past, but now have settled into agnosticism) doesn't mean you post some stupid video declaring you don't believe in God to get a free DVD. The people who started this program need to re-think it.
Bunch of whiny emo teens on youtube angry at their god for not giving them the latest pair of hot jeans for xmas.
Most of those people are stupid. I'm atheist too, but I don't think religion should be abolished - it's a dare i say necessary part of the human condition at this point.
After watching Jesus Camp (read my small thoughts in the Film section) this makes me just as sad. That people would find this necessary or amusing is beyond me. Just because you're an atheist (which I have been in the past, but now have settled into agnosticism) doesn't mean you post some stupid video declaring you don't believe in God to get a free DVD. The people who started this program need to re-think it.

I don't get what's so harmful about saying you don't believe in God to get a free DVD. We have free speech and people get to be open about their nonbelief in deities, a way to come out of the closet so to speak. Not once does it say that you HAVE to call religious people idiots to claim your prize, people may do it, but that is not the object.
Really, what is the point in trying to convince people that there is no religion/God?
I think people forget that many religions do a great deal of good in the world. Tell me, what is wrong with a belief that it is important to help and serve your fellow man?
What is wrong in caring about someone?
I've already sold my soul to about three different people. There's going to be a big court battle in the afterlife.

-Angry Lawyer

You're a regular homer simpson.

Most of those people are stupid. I'm atheist too, but I don't think religion should be abolished - it's a dare i say necessary part of the human condition at this point.

What is disturbing, is that most people against religion are typically pro freedom of speech, freedom of expression, with open minds. But they are eager to deny people the rights to follow a religion if they want, even if those practitioners aren't the ones who are oppressive.
Atheists: "Since you cannot prove that He exists, it follows that he doesn't exist."

That, kinghenery, is a common stereotype that, like many stereotypes, is not accurate.

All forms of doubt are atheism. Even agnosticism is a sub-category of atheist thought. It is not simply a case of saying "you cannot prove this therefore it is impossible." The word you're looking for is not impossible, but implausible. Things without any evidence at all are fully implausible by any logical standard.

You can make all the absurd claims you wish, but without any material proof or at least some manner of precedent, your words are only that. And talk is cheap, as attested by so many millions of fictional works.

No, the basis of any religion is to use fiction to uncover emotional truths, which is often as simple a task as hanging an effigy of dead Jesus on the wall and clapping your hands to make him fly again. Guilt and hope are very easy to evoke. Far too easy, really. Any charlatan reader of tea-leaves can acheive as much, and they have for at least as long as history has record. Finding any deeper truth than making masses feel guilt and hope in unison has long since stopped being the goal of organized religion. It is a machine that, as its sole action, consumes time and spits out tears. And as one would expect from any old and unimproved machine, it is obsolete; it produces far too much pollution and its few benefits have been outshone.

Atheists have no problem with myth (which is nothing more than fiction mixed with faith), and are mainly just unnerved that the religious take that myth as sobbingly, painfully real. The trouble comes from the damned fools who are so frivoluously uncritical of their myths that, say, they can read the bible and completely ignore that Paul effectively rewrote the entire new testament in his pacifist image. You do not follow a book of laws only to ignore when they are not correctly followed.

Uriel, both Jesus and God Himself demand that you follow the old testament for eternity. Whether you see that as fiction, as does the majority of Earth, or as fact - whatever your reasons - there must be the basic acknowledgement that you are worshiping Jesus and as such you must follow his rules. If you fail to understand those rules, or if you choose to ignore them or "interpret" them, then your religion has failed to serve its purpose: finding a deeper emotional truth than fiction can.

When you are religious, you believe that you have transcended "mere" art and fiction, and have truth hooked up to you directly. So act as much! You do not find truth in bending the text to fit your limitations. That is how truth is diminished. You are meant to interpret fiction, and you pick and choose from fiction. That is fiction's purpose.
With religion, you absolve yourself of the ability to build a truth from parts. Jesus has done the picking and choosing for you. He tells you who to listen to (himself) and who to ignore (everyone who contradicts him) and, as such, he is skipping straight to the epiphany.

Thus your first and foremost goal is to read what Jesus said. Everything he said. Ignore interpretations, because interpretation is the realm of fiction. You must list and memorize every rule and command. Then you may read of Paul and note his interpretations. But if those interpretations conflict, you must kick Paul to the curb. It is your duty as a christian to defend Jesus from those who would destroy his message. Remember, Jesus is not a fiction to you! He is your life and as such cannot be re-writ into pleasant fiction as Paul would have him be, with yourself as an accomplice to that sinful act! Then once you have read Paul, read of science, of logic and of secular law. If they, too, conflict, it is again your duty to toss them aside. There is no middle ground in Jesus' words. That is religion: Using Jesus (whether he is fiction or not) as the filter through which you sort personal experiences into "correct" and "incorrect", that you may one day only experience the former.

As an example of the other side, I am personally a great consumer of fiction - that is to say, fiction that I acknowledge as fiction. I watch a film and read a book, and if parts of them match my personal experience, I collect them. If parts ring false, I dismiss those parts as inadequate. Thus, I use personal experience as the filter through which to sort fiction and myth into "correct" and "incorrect". Being religious, you do not have that luxury.

Your refusal to treat religion as something more than fiction is a symptom experienced by so many christians today, and it is the sign of the myth's breakdown into obsolescence, and subsequent downfall into fanfiction. Fanfiction is the lowest form of fiction, and it is inevitably the result of fiction and myth becoming conflated.
The reader either attempts to shove mythological signifigance onto fiction or begins to see flaws in their myth, and either way the result is a shabby attempt at repairing things that should not need repair.

It's never a pretty sight, so don't let it happen to Jesus.

So it's not a matter of trying to convince you to not believe in god.
It's a matter of trying to challenge the faith which you are far too unwilling to challenge on your own.
You'd rather fictionalize it for convenience.
Uriel, both Jesus and God Himself demand that you follow the old testament for eternity. Whether you see that as fiction, as does the majority of Earth, or as fact - whatever your reasons - there must be the basic acknowledgement that you are worshiping Jesus and as such you must follow his rules. If you fail to understand those rules, or if you choose to ignore them or "interpret" them, then your religion has failed to serve its purpose: finding a deeper emotional truth than fiction can.

First, neither God or Jesus demand I follow them, they ask because of their love for me and they know of that Joy and Happiness that results of it. That is my belief, you obviously feel differently, however I believe this because of what I feel in my heart, mind and soul, and my personal experiences in life.

Second, you believe they demand I follow the old testament. What are you basing this off of?