blender 3d



just got it and need someone to set me in the right direction, like first tutorials i should do ect...

btw went to thier main site didnt find nething good, also ran a search here. there are tutorials and video tutorials there. Look through video ones first I'd say, they will show you the UI and stuff, then you can watch ones for other areas.
Be sure to check out
it's the great blender community pag (forum).. you'll find a lot of tutorials and nice people there willing to help :)
you can also step by at one of the irc channels on
#blender & #blenderchat
you'll find me there very often :)
blender is awesome. and so is its community.
thx guys, oh yea on the blender site i couldnt run the videos cause it was some whered format
pdf isn't a movie, it is for adobe acrobat reader (free download I think).
anyone else find the views a little wierd? and if anyone can send me like a blender gun model id appriciate it, only want to use it so i can learn the size and how big i should practice makin my models

email it to me or post a link if u can hook it up.

email = [email protected]
Getting used to it takes time. The way I set out my viewports is I pull that buttom window (window at the bottom of the screen) all the way down out of sight. Then I split that main viewport vertically so I have a strip down the right side of the screen, I make that the buttons window (click the icon in the corner of the window to chance to the buttons one etc.). So now I have a viewport with a vertical button window on the side (right click in the button window and choose vertical alignment). I then split the viewport again vertically and make both sides even, then I splet each of these vertically to make 4 viewports. Press num lock and move your cursor over the top left window and press 7 on the numpad, that is the top view, move the cursor over the bottom left window and press 1 on the numpad, that is front view. Then numpad 3 for the bottom right, that is side view. Press num 5 on the top right viewport to get perspective view (pressing 5 again toggles between orthogonal and perspective, go with orthogonal). You can then maximize a viewport by moving the cursor over it and pressing ctrl+up arrow, and go back to the 4 viewports by pressing that again.
The button window on the right has different sections, the F4 to F10 keys take you to the different sections when you have the cursor over the button window. F9 is has modelling tools you will use.

I find this layout helps me a lot, hopefully it will work for you too :)

PS. It doesn't matter what size you actually model the thing, you can easily scale it up or down when it is finished.
I kept the bottons on the bottom, and split the 3d view in the middle, one side for perspective, and the other for orthographic(sp)
im doing pretty good, im workin on a mac 10 because its alot of squares, i got the main gun layout, the barrel and the sights done, im having trouble with curves for the rails, also find it frustrating lining up each individual line when im makin a cube or whatever, slants are annoying too anyone give me tips on slants, and curves?

and i noticed if u highlight a vertex then hit B this crosshair type thing comes up was wondering what that was.

Press B once and you get get the drag box selection, press B again and it turns into a circle which is brush select, meaning you select things that you drag the circle over while left clicking. Rolling the mousewheel alters the size of the circle. Middle clicking deselects.
how about curves? im working on a mac10 model right now and the back armrest/rail thing is hard as hell for me, i make curves and theyre just a line, i dont kno how to make them 3d. any help or tutorial links for curving please.
I would suggest (for the rails) to keep extruding the end of the cylinder, aand rotating it a bit each time.
ok cool thanks, i finally learned how to make a curve ahha i ended up learning dupliframes, its decent but id like to learn how to make curves the other way...

i got one last quick question anyone kno if i can alter the snaps? i musin snap to grid and id like to lower it just a tad.

thx again for the reps