Blind gamer pwns


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
It's old news, but I did a general off-topic search and the terms 'Blind gamer' only showed up in a post in '04.

Blind Video Gamer

If it has been posted already, lock or delete this thread.

Best sentence :
Brice said:
"I'll challenge them, maybe. If I feel like a challenge," he said, displaying an infectious confidence. "I freak people out by playing facing backwards."
He hacks.

Not so impressive a blind kid can play Soul Caliber II, it's not exactly a strategic game that really requires anything but fast button mashing, but more power to him.

oh and, yeah, this is old and already posted :P
There was a Blind gamer vs. Blind Gamer on Attack of the Show (G4 Tech tv)
And the one blind gamer beat the creator of mortal kombat for the ps2, THATS when you know you suck, j/k But it showed a match-up and they acually do use strategy, they dont button mash, they use special attacks, like freeze ball or scorpions snake thingy, and they block, and EVEN use fatalities, Even I don't remember how to do fatalities, I think they acually have skill.
KoreBolteR said:
wow he looks like tim robbins

No, don't..............dont say that. If there are two things in this world that scare the s##t out of me it's Tim Robbins and Ronald McDonald.