Blitzkrieg 2 SP demo

Is this going to be another case of a wasted download?
Murray_H said:
Is this going to be another case of a wasted download?

If you happen to be a 12 year old CSer not looking further then his kill/death ratio, yes.

Otherwise, 1 was good, give this a try
I really enjoyed the first one, downloading now.
It doesn't differ a lot from the first one, esp. from a graphical perpective. It's all 3D now, but most RTS's have been for the last three or four years. There are some slight changes in the gameplay, but for the rest it's basically the same Blitzkrieg. I am not very impressed, altho the real fans might like it.
Hey if you people liked blitzkrieg you should try soldiers heroes of world war 2, I have that game and it rocks, plus it is really cheap now.
Grey Fox said:
Hey if you people liked blitzkrieg you should try soldiers heroes of world war 2, I have that game and it rocks, plus it is really cheap now.

I agree. It's hard as fook tho. But great gameplay, nice graphics, and very cool physics. You can destroy / burn everything! Try out the demo. Be prepared to fail over and over again tho. It's so hard.

demo @ 3DGamers
I'm going to get this game and make some scenarios or a campaign for it when it comes out. I played the multiplayer beta and this demo and it looks pretty good.
This game is actually quite fun.
Its hard though. I like how the infantry throw grenades at tanks instead of firing on them. I always thought that it was dumb how they could destroy tanks with bullets in other rts games.