Block Tool & Func_physbox



I would like to grab a block using my grav gun? What properties, output, or flags do I need to enable. I have created the block and tied it to func_physbox. However, when I run my map I cannot pick it up with grav gun or move it. Thanks for your time.
No I meant, maybe it's too big (Geometrywise) for the gravgun to move.
So, when I tie the func_physbox to it, I should be able to use the grav gun to pick it up without changing any properties.
Yes, as far as I know. I've never tried the gravgun on it but it should be no different from any other interaction.

I do think there would be a flag that disables grav gun pickup, though.
There should be a spawnflag (something like "enable motion on physgun grab") and also the Mass Scale property of the object will effect whether you can lift it.
What should I set the mass scale number to if I want to pick it up with the grav gun?
The mass of the block would probably depend on both the material it's made of as well as its volume. You can see the current mass by giving the block a name and running the "ent_text entityname" command with developer mode enabled.
I finally got it to work. I would like to cause damage when a player throws it a another player? Are there any setting u recommend that I can play around with?
that is done automatically by hl2. you can change the damage between dull and sharp, i think, but thats it.
Sharp is REALLY effective, btw. There's a radiator that's really thin (as opposed to the regular radiatiors) and it blasts through people like a hot knife cutting through butter. Yep.