Blood Gultch Map!


Nov 21, 2004
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HAHAH! Not done yet!

I need a group of good map makers to help me make Blood Gultch (Coagulation) from Halo. We're prolly gonna need to make a custom WAD file with the textures from halo. I think we can get screenies from halos blood gultch map, and cut and paste good parts to compile them into a WAD using Wally. I could prolly do that. But Im wondering who would like to help me out with this map?

We could do it like 1 flag mode from Halo2. The hostage would be the flag and you had to take him from the terrorists base to yours (rescue zone). Or we could just have it be a total T vs. CT, face of till the death, Team slayer type game.

Most of it is just terrain (a golden brown color and the green for the foliage) and the rest is just grey for the bases. May seem hard, but if you think about it, its pretty simple. We could limit weapons too. I dunt think we can do vehicles yet. So this could just be a v0.5 . So whos in?
Kind of like an fy map? but more tactical? that would be kinda weird in CS... would be a sniper war, in blood gulch there's only 1 sniper rifle for a start
eh... it would be nice as hell if you added vehicles....... wish they would add code to CS:S for vehicles (then again it would totally change the game :( )

I would recommend creating this map with APC style gameplay in mind and wait to see what mod it will fit :/
Normally mappers work alone. Thats just how it's been. Unless you run a server so when your not working on the map somone else can work on what you just updated etc