Bloodthirst - Looking to expand the team


Sep 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dear Reader,

The Bloodthirst modification is seeking tallented and dedicated individuals to join our team and help realise the vision of the mod. Bloodthirst is a multiplayer First-Person modification for Half-Life 2 set in a realistic, Eastern European near future environment that portrays a battle to the death between a reborn vampire clan and a secretive slayer sect. Check out for more information.

Bloodthirst Overview -
Public Design Document -

Here's a tiny preview of some of our media, please visit the site to see more:


We've got three dedicated coders working on the mod and progress is going very good in that department. What we need are modellers and skinners who can produce the 3D and 2D art for Bloodthirst. If you wish to work in a mature team that's dedicated to completing the project then look no further ;)

Positions Available:

3D Modeller (Players/Props/Weapons)
- Must be able to unwrap the finished models
- Must be active and dedicated to the project

2D Artist / Skinner
- Experienced at skinning models for computer games
- Ability to create realistic skins
- Must be active and dedicated
- Ability to unwrap models is a bonus

- Experienced in rigging and animating models
- Must have the time and dedication for the project

Texture Artist
- Experienced in texture design
- Able to create realistic, high resolution, tilable textures
- Hard working and dedicated to the project

How to apply?

To apply for a position just send an e-mail to [email protected] with the preferred position and some information about you and your experience in the given field. Don't forget to include pictures of your best work!

Thank you for reading our help request and we hope to hear back from you. :)

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Bloodthirst Team Lead