*Blows on HL2.net magic conch shell*


Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Halflife2.net, I humbly request your assistance. It seems that my school forums support html code, unbeknownst to the administrators.

Therefore, in a fit of retarded enthusiasm, I have decided to become the unnoficial thread commentator of my school forums, by using images, which, as I am sure, will cause quite a ruckus.

So, here is my request. I would like some of you fantastically gifted people to make or source humorous or excellent images with which I can epicly spam the message boards, while still commentating on threads.

As a rather simplistic example, if a thread appealed greatly to me, a picture of a happy looking kitten attacking a ball of thread with the caption 'I love this thread so much' would be appropriate.

However, 'Fail', 'Win', 'Epic Win', and 'Epic Fail' signs would also be appreciated.

Thank you for your time in reading this post, and any time you decide to commit to this endeavour.


Dude, Image Dump in the Image Forums.
I'm going to give you something better than image macros, I'm going to give you some advice.


What you want to do, becoming a "thread commentator" with witty images is a dumb idea. Yeah, you might baffle the administrators for a few days (if you're lucky), and you might find it amusing, but trust me--it isn't. It's dumb and overplayed. Especially things like cats and any text that has the word "epic" preceeding it.

Image macros are awesome for the sole fact that the perfect image at just the right time can enhance the poster's message. They can be hilarious and timely, and--when well executed--will be remembered and enjoyed by other forumgoers. However, if you're commenting on threads with kittens and epic win, epic fail, gtfo, and whatever other image macros constantly, that just kills it. It makes you the douchebag with the image macros. You don't want to be that guy. Nobody likes that guy.

Take my advice. Abandon this foolish idea.
I'm going to give you something better than image macros, I'm going to give you some advice.
Abandon this foolish idea.

That's very true... However, I'm not planning to abuse it ridiculously and, after all, it is my school...

I could say that I totally didn't want kittens, or whatever, but...

I understand.
Here's a few possibly school-related ones:




Darkside has become so ****ing awesome as of late.
I'm in school too.
I love the expand and cat ones.
/is gald u r not bloxed
You found out that you can exploit the entire message board through html code and the best you can come up with is spamming image messages? *Yawn*