blue screen of death (xp)

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I booted up mohaa to play online.. and I got a blue screen of death on xp that was going to dump my phisical memory to the disk and restart automatically.. with ever new caytalyst OGL/qIII based games get wierder bugs this has been the most extreme I have a FRESH install of the drivers wtf?!!? I should ad its the first time something this jurastic happend from the 3.7's all that happened b4 was a higher load time of quakeIII based games namely QIII... and a triple buffering issue in half-life
i wrote this about a month ago in the star wars galaxies forums

Ok this is for all you people that have problems with the radeon cards. you may get a blue screen, hear static sounds followed by your computer freezing, your computer restarting itself, video loop, monitor blanking out. screen going black, white, funny colors. this problem is caused by texture acceleration being turned off

i thought over heating problem, this is not why, i got my cpu down to 92f and video card was cold to the made no diff, i tested it numerous times on diff systems all having radeon cards with AGP texture acceleraion off. This isn't a Sound Card issue either. tried it with numerous sound cards, no sound card. both dolby and miles settings. and with AGP texture acceleraion off. Obviously This is all caused by AGP texture acceleraion setting being turned off.

[Questions and Answers]

Q: is this Driver version related?

A: No, It's caused by AGP Texture acceleraion being turned off.

Q: Why do i need AGP Texture Acceleration this feature on??

A: it's a DX8 features, if you don't have it on your game will run slow, and it will attempt to run at dx9 settings which will make your card struggle making it crash a lot specially in cities.

Q: Where do i turn it on?

A: Go to start, Run, type in Dxdiag and go to the display tab, turn on AGP texture acceleration.

Q: it is greyed out, what do i do?

A: this is caused by a number or problems. i will explain at the bottom.

Q: Why causes this feature to be greyed out??

A: A number of things, like reinstalling drivers over other ones, some mobos have conflicts and need the latest agp drivers or file corruption/deletion(unlikely)

Q: i heard you need to uninstall Smartgart, is that true??

A: no Smartgart, does not cause this problem

[Enabling AGP Texture Acceleration when it's greyed out]

1. Restart your computer, enter bios usually by DEL key (if Del key doesn't work check the motherboard manual or it may say it somewhere on the boot up screen) and check to see that AGP texture Acceleration is Turned ON

2. Make sure you have your latest version of bios.

2. Go to your start Menu, click on run type in dxdiag go to the display tab and check to see if it is now possible to turn it on, if not follow step 3.

3. Uninstall your Video Drivers completly. Restart.

4. When prompted to install the drivers for the new found hard ware click cancel.

5. Go to <> and download The 4 in 1 Drivers. Restart.

6. When prompted to install the drivers for the new found hard ware click cancel once again.

7. Reinstall DX 9 (A new version of dx is available DX 9.0b) Restart.

8. installing your motherboard drivers, NOT BIOS. drivers. and the latest agp drivers too. this varies depending on what kind of motherboard you have.

8. Finally Install your Radeon drivers. <> Restart and only then you will be able to turn this feature on.

You will see that you can run your game full screen with all the fancy settings on. (if you have a good enough card) without crashing. this WILL fix your problem. i've tested it endless times, if this DOES not fix your problem or you can NOT turn Agp texture acceleration on. send me a message on AIM (SN: valved ray). i will be happy to help you out.

Valved Ray
(i do not take any responsibility for the actions you perform to your pc)

Hmmmm, first useful post ever :D

anyways Alby, this doesn't belong in this forum, it belongs in the Hardware & Software forum


/me moves thread :D
Thanks for that faq Valved :), it actually helped me out quite a bit.
t could be one of those *cough* issues that ATI still has with drivers and games.

Thought my 9600pro hasn't run into a problem yet. :)
*gasp. Blue screen of death in XP?!?!

Are you sure this hasn't to do with virtual memory though? Your error message sounds alot like it.