Bluescreen screen saver

I'm gonna install that on my friend's computer and do it to him while he's afk. When we were building his comp, we were plagued with BSODs for the longest time before we finally fixed it. This should bring back some bad memories.
Nice we put these on our college computers the admin was totally confused
just put it in your Windows folder

Yeah that's not working...

EDIT: never mind, it seems to work after double clicking it ONCE IN the folder, which I didn't think it needed D:
I installed and when it changed to the second one I actually thought "oh shit, my pc's crashed".
its even better if you dont have it set to where moving the mouse causes the screensaver to go away.
you'd have to be an idiot to believe its real; i mean once you look at the problem 'Bogus Driver'. wouldnt you think that its well "Bogus"?
This'll be fun. I think I'll play this on my mate tomorrow!