Bob Dylan Live!


Feb 7, 2004
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Two nights ago I got to see Bob Dylan live. I wasn't really expecting too much going into it, not being a huge fan, but it was pretty damn good, especially considering how long he's been around. I've been listening to his stuff nearly non-stop since.

He had 6 or 7 guys playing with him, so every song was pretty intense (my ears were ringing for about 45 minutes afterwards), and the instrumentals were awesome. I wish I could understand the lyrics as he was singing them, but his voice is kinda shot now, especially compared witht he recordings I have. But what a great show.

(Willie Nelson followed the opening by "The Green Cards," but, eh, who cares? Dylan's where it's at.)
I saw the same show two weeks ago. Amazing show. Bob Dylan is the man. Green Cards opened up for them. They're cool, kinda like a neo-folk/rock band. And then Willie Nelson was awesome. He waved at me ^__^. I'm sure of it. It makes me sad Dylan doesn't do guitar much anymore. He only did it for one song. Now he plays the piano.
Ah, Bob Dylan...! One of the best! If not the best.
