Boba tea?


Jul 3, 2003
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Dang, I went out the other day with my friends Mike, Laura and April to go get something called Boba tea. I have never heard of it so I figured why not. It's pretty much just a slushy with these little black gummy balls, which are the boba, in them. The slushy itself was quite tasty, but the boba just wasn't my thing. If we ever go again I'm just going to get the slushy. Oh yeah, we also played Chinese checkers and I won. I'm just good like that.

They don't really taste like anything. They're just chewy with a slimey texture.
I'm sorry, but I've already made love to you once today and I have a once a day policy for males. You know that!
Well, you're a special case then. Transexuals get the same treatment as normal males.
So i spent ten grand on surgery for nothing... that blows.

What color were you in checkers?
Green and white have a slight advantage.

Anyway, I heart Boba tea. But I love the boba itself. Not just for eating, but also for blowgunning at people. That shit will stick to a shirt for hours.
Ikerous said:
So i spent ten grand on surgery for nothing... that blows.

What color were you in checkers?
Green and white have a slight advantage.
I was red. Green and white actually came in 3rd and 4th.

Yeah, I was havin fun shootin the little bobas.
Meh...I never understood the purpose of boba. Like you said they were merely tasteless spheres of matter in the drink.
Oh man, this is a huge phenomenom![sarcasm]

JK! Yeah the stuff is good, but, it's been around for ages.
When I won in Chinese checkers I almost threw up, in a good way.
I usually just call it tapioca tea. If they do a good job with soaking the tapioca in tea first, then they'll taste good. Honestly, I didn't like the tapioca the first time I had it (too hard to chew), but after the second or third it was alright. The milk tea and thai tea ones are good. I like the ones with fresh watermelon juice too.

I actually prefer tapioca pudding though, but unfortunately it's not that easy to get and my dad doesn't make it anymore.
never had one but there is a boba store in my mall i always thought it was some kind of ludicrous asian shit