Body parts for sale


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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NEW YORK (AP)-The owner of a biomedical supply house and three others were charged with selling body parts for use in transplants in a scheme a district attorney called "something out of a cheap horror movie.''

All four pleaded not guilty to charges of enterprise corruption, body stealing and opening graves, unlawful dissection, forgery and other counts.

Prosecutors said the defendants took organs from people who had not given consent or were too old or too sick to donate. The defendants forged consent forms and altered the death certificates to indicate the victims had been younger and healthier, authorities said.

X-rays and photos of recently exhumed cadavers show that where leg bones should have been, someone had inserted white plastic pipes-the kind used for home plumbing projects, available at any hardware store. The pipes were crudely reconnected to hip and ankle bones with screws before the legs were sewn back up.

Prosecutors said the body parts were sold to tissue suppliers and ultimately used in disk replacements, knee operations, dental implants and a variety of other surgical procedures performed by unsuspecting doctors across the United States and in Canada.

:|........ :x
moar people need to donate their oragans anywas. my father recieved a kidney and a pancreas about a year ago and it did amazing things to his body. i hope you guys are donor too.. when im dead im not gunna be needin my parts so why not let em be put to good use?
my liver though.. thats gunna be shot :)
Yeah, I'm on for donating. If I can help someone live on after I'm dead, that's a nice thought. Like you said, the dead aren't using those parts anyway. Better to give them to someone in need than bury them or chuck 'em into the furnace with everything else.
Damn straight. Im a my kidneys and lungs and heart and nuts will be of any use to me when im worm food...
Damn straight. Im a my kidneys and lungs and heart and nuts will be of any use to me when im worm food...

the problem is that they have to harvest the organs before your body actually turns into worm food. so the only way you can donate any organs is if you're brain dead/in a coma. of course that raises quite a dilemma doesn't it ?