BOGGED!!!!!!! <-- pick this one or be banned! :) Toilted vs Plumbed, the physics verb

What verb to use for physics kills?

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May 28, 2004
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So, what word do you think should be used to describe when someone gets killed by any physics object by another player using the gravity gun?

Bear in mind that the icon in-game is of a toilet flying at someone.

Vote for your choice, or specify something else if your post if you don't like either.
I like toileted, however, you could make up an even more mangled word..
"Post Quick Reply"
"Physted" :naughty:
the gun is called the manipulator... then why not "manipulated"?

something involoving debri could work.. but i'm no wordsmith.... all though I pretend to be. :E
I am partial to plumbed, but how about physfragged or gravfrag or gravfragged or cabinated the filing cabinets rule!
Yeah, I think it fits best. Surprised no one had said that yet.
Shame there are not supermarkets. You could then be "trollied" in HL2DM! LOL

Lol, no that was just to illustrate how awful just about all of these ideas are. It's not the kinda thing that people organise and decide on, it just ends up getting used and spreads like a dirty virus infecting brains across the computer-using world... :|

I also liked the idea of "manipulated" although that sounds more like "touched-up" than anything else. ;)
I say "fizzed" (maybe an alternate spelling like "phyzzed" or "phys'd") and "junked" are both descriptive without being hard to say or type.
You people get time to even say anything when playing DM2?
Don't know how it's over there, but in Europe/Scandinavia, it's spawn, lob grenades, fire, die/survive for 30 seconds.

There's never a pause in the PDW firing.

Nonetheless, plumbed -is- better.
i LOVE bowled... absolutely perfect for when you kill more than one guy with an object.
Since the radiator is obviously the best weapon, it's radiatored.
LittleB said:
I like Bowled

Definately best one so far. Needs to be short (1 syllable) and this is funny/catch as well - like 'fragged.'