Boiling Point out in stores


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I saw it today. Googled around a bit and found this forum. Even the fanboys seem to have complaints. The way it looks now it's another rush-job by Atari. Has anyone bought it yet?
no not me i pm'ed stern yesterday asking if he was getting it( but its not out for him till next week)as he was the only person i knew planning to, i wasnt sure if i should start a thread as no-one seemed too interested in it but now there is so we'll see who has got it, i'm over at that site too, supposedly the ai sucks and its very buggy, they say only rpg fans should get it in is current build, a few patches could help.
jimbo118 said:
no not me i pm'ed stern yesterday asking if he was getting it( but its not out for him till next week)as he was the only person i knew planning to, i wasnt sure if i should start a thread as no-one seemed too interested in it but now there is so we'll see who has got it, i'm over at that site too, supposedly the ai sucks and its very buggy, they say only rpg fans should get it in is current build, a few patches could help.

I don't get why publishers send out games that aren't ready yet. Immediate cash-flow is the only thing I can think of, but why not market it properly then? I'll put this one my pass-list for now.
Is this the FPS that I said would be totally average? I can't remember if I posted in the other thread, but if I did, that's what I would've said.
Shakermaker said:
I don't get why publishers send out games that aren't ready yet. Immediate cash-flow is the only thing I can think of, but why not market it properly then? I'll put this one my pass-list for now.
i cant believe they released it the week of e3, are they retarded? :rolling:

but yeah i agree, i'd like to see some reviews.
from people's reactions who have the game's actiually quite good ..there's some noticeable problems: AI, driving, some other small bugs ..but the consensus is that it is easily fixable. People are raving about the huge seemless world that lets you do what you want when you want can even go to a bar and get drunk, stumble home to go to sleep and even get bit by snakes (apparently you cant walk into a forest without being bitten)

I'll wait for the reviews but the open ended gameplay sold me a long time ago would have to be really bad for me to purchase it

/me waves at jimbo118 :)
CptStern said:
from people's reactions who have the game's actiually quite good ..there's some noticeable problems: AI, driving, some other small bugs ..but the consensus is that it is easily fixable. People are raving about the huge seemless world that lets you do what you want when you want can even go to a bar and get drunk, stumble home to go to sleep and even get bit by snakes (apparently you cant walk into a forest without being bitten)

I'll wait for the reviews but the open ended gameplay sold me a long time ago would have to be really bad for me to purchase it

* CptStern waves at jimbo118 :)
*brrr jim waves drunkedly @ stern and falls over*

yeah thats what i like about, a few bugs, no major deal if they fix them(any word on a patch), i've played buggy games in my day, its more a cash issue for me, dont want to waste it, have to get bf2 and gta:sa in a few weeks.
jimbo118 said:
*brrr jim waves drunkedly @ stern and falls over*

yeah thats what i like about, a few bugs, no major deal if they fix them(any word on a patch), i've played buggy games in my day, its more a cash issue for me, dont want to waste it, have to get bf2 and gta:sa in a few weeks.

it's always a cash issue with me too ..why spend hard earned money on a game that's crap? you drunken fool ;)

wow didnt know gta:sa is coming so soon
I'm guessing the patch will come out around the release date of BF2. And that's my top gaming priority atm. I'll prolly get Boiling Point, but only after it's properly patched and at mid-price.
CptStern said:
it's always a cash issue with me too ..why spend hard earned money on a game that's crap? you drunken fool ;)

wow didnt know gta:sa is coming so soon
dont make fun of me, i'm drunk you big meanie, what time is it in canada??

gta:sa: out june 10, wootage.
8:33, and I just put my son to bed, the wife is out and ...I dont know what to do with myself :)
CptStern said:
8:33, and I just put my son to bed, the wife is out and ...I dont know what to do with myself :)
aww you have a new child right? thats cool, things went a bit mad today didnt they? you know tbh sometimes i forget this place is actually a site forum and not just a forum, i havent visited in months, just come to the forums.

you dont know what to do? you can talk to my drunk ass.

im cold
Hmm I wonder if this is worth the purchase, I've already have two games on my list next month, bah spending is getting out of hand.

Gonna read a few reviews brb!
CptStern said:
8:33, and I just put my son to bed, the wife is out and ...I dont know what to do with myself :)

You're in a good starting position. Load up HL:DM to get frisky, and just go from there.
Gunner said:
Hmm I wonder if this is worth the purchase, I've already have two games on my list next month, bah spending is getting out of hand.

Gonna read a few reviews brb!
post them here if you find em k?
jimbo118 said:
post them here if you find em k?

I just tried gamespot, ign and shacknews, none of them have a review up yet (just the old previews) :frown:
jimbo118 said:
aww you have a new child right? thats cool, things went a bit mad today didnt they? you know tbh sometimes i forget this place is actually a site forum and not just a forum, i havent visited in months, just come to the forums.

..the only time I visit is if I hit instead of ..yes I feel guilty ..but there's enough material here within the forums to keep me occupied :)

jimbo118 said:
you dont know what to do? you can talk to my drunk ass.

im cold

/me puts blanket around Jimbo

so where did you go tonight? bar? stayed at home and got drunk? what did you drink tonight? beer? wine? scotch? ...ahhhhh boooze how I miss thee ;(
Absinthe said:
Why have I never heard of this game?

Coz Atari have been all stealthy about it. There were a couple of previews here and there, but nothing major.