Bond 21 Casino Royale


Nov 19, 2004
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Just been reading up on this and thought i'd share some of the info i found, good and bad...


- Directed by Martin Campbell (director of Goldeneye, probably the best of the new breed of bond films)
- Daniel Craig could be in it, he's brilliant in Layer Cake, can't quite see him as Bond tho
- It's going to be more serious and less silly than die another day


- Jamelia is reported to be in the running for bond girl status, beating Holly Valance. Now Jamelia is pretty fit, but holly valance is amazing! dammit
- There's no Q
- Quentin Tarantino would have directed it if Pierce Brosnan starred in it, but he's not....argh

Anyone else know any more?
Isn't Jamelia the one with the killer brother? Maybe that'll screw her chances, hope so Holly is much better :)

Glad Tarantino isn't directing it, no offence but he's just not a Bond Director.

I wont miss there being a new Q, the original guy's last scene was perfect, and it summed up his career and was kinda heart warming considering he died shortly after. John Cleese is ok, but there can't really be another Q better than the original.
It's not actually going to be called Casino Royale is it?
Wasn't there a Bond parody ages and ages ago called exactly that? Or was it one of the early Bond books or something?
Jamelia's so much hotter than Holly Valence. SO much hotter. But then maybe she can't act as well as that incredible caliber of theatrical fabulousness that Ms. Valence displayed on Neighbours.
Or not.
And Daniel Craig doesn't look like Bond - a bit too craggy.
Whilst a Tarantino Bond film might be interesting, TDE's right - the man's not a Bond director.
jamelias pretty unknown in anywhere outside of europe so maybe she has a small part,i doubt she'll be the lead bond girl
The Dark Elf said:
John Cleese is ok, but there can't really be another Q better than the original.

I keep waiting for him to do the Basil Fawlty thing with bond..

"What? you lost your gadget watch?? Typical. Well thats just bloody typical!"
bliink said:
I keep waiting for him to do the Basil Fawlty thing with bond..

"What? you lost your gadget watch?? Typical. Well thats just bloody typical!"
lol, great, I was watching Fawlty Towers last night so now you've got me thinking of him like that in his Bond part lol.

"don't mention the war, I did once but I think I got away with it"
Yeah, he is funny, but apparantly they don't want 'funny' in this one, its more serious...

You're right about bond not being something for QT but id be extremely interested to see what he'd do with it anyway

The other guy apart from daniel craig in the line up for playing bond is some dude from nip/tuck so im not really sure who id prefer...i reckon clive owen would be best but hes tied into making the posieden adventure with wolfgang peterson which is good news but still a shame on the bond side of things

and just to descend into hormonal driven conversation, holly valance is way fitter than jamelia :)

Oh and yeah its called Casino Royale, which is something im sure ive heard before...
MrMan said:
Yeah, he is funny, but apparantly they don't want 'funny' in this one, its more serious...

You're right about bond not being something for QT but id be extremely interested to see what he'd do with it anyway

The other guy apart from daniel craig in the line up for playing bond is some dude from nip/tuck so im not really sure who id prefer...i reckon clive owen would be best but hes tied into making the posieden adventure with wolfgang peterson which is good news but still a shame on the bond side of things

and just to descend into hormonal driven conversation, holly valance is way fitter than jamelia :)

Oh and yeah its called Casino Royale, which is something im sure ive heard before...
clive owen might look the part, but the guy can't act.

The guy from nip/tuck (Julian McMahon) would actually be a good choice, he's definately good looking enough, and he's got that smarmy side to him that he plays well. Though I think he was better in Charmed than he is in nip/tuck, but then I don't particularly like that show anyway.

Casino Royale was the first "sorta" bond movie that was made. This is a remake of it.
Clive Owen would be my choice, the guy is a great actor, even though Dark Elf doesn't think so, and he looks the part and above all, he is British.

A non-British James Bond is like a PG Tips advert with no monkies. Holly Valance would also suck as a Bond Girl, Jamelia would be much better as long as she is more of the action star than "sexy woman has sex with James Bond and gets captured by bad guy", she should be more like "refuses to have sex with James Bond and a woman that can kick some arse" - a feminist.
Well i must confess my desire for holly to be a bond girl is purely for cosmetic reasons, ive been a fan since she donned a swimsuit in neighbours lol..jamelia would be good but i dont know if she can act

Thx for casino royale info elf im sure i knew that but couldnt think of where it was from, i thought it was a book...and i reckon clive owen can be fair being bond isnt about 'acting' though, more about looking cool, good looking and giving ladies the eye :)
Holly Valence is nothing on Carmella. Or Laurie for that matter. Conner's a lucky lucky guy :naughty:
Yeah, im starting to think theres something going for being an irishman in australia...but then again he did pull michelle...
Pffft - I'd pull Michelle, she was cute too.
Actually, clearly Conner should be the new Bond - roguish charm and lots of sex appeal. I'd love it :D
Reckon you might be onto something there lol, lets get a full neighbours cast in bond 21, harold can be Q and Gus could be the bad guy, even tho hes dead (that could be his edge) :)
el Chi said:
Pffft - I'd pull Michelle, she was cute too.
Actually, clearly Conner should be the new Bond - roguish charm and lots of sex appeal. I'd love it :D

But he isn't British though :angry:
MrMan said:
Reckon you might be onto something there lol, lets get a full neighbours cast in bond 21, harold can be Q and Gus could be the bad guy, even tho hes dead (that could be his edge) :)

I'm sure Paul Robinson would want to be Bond.. though maybe he should be the other bad guy, he'd fit as one. Definately bring back Michelle though mmmhmm :E

Oh and Sky has to be the bond girl who only wears bikini's, new law that ;)
Yeah sky should be in it with lana...lesbian bond girls!
The Dark Elf said:

I'm sure Paul Robinson would want to be Bond.. though maybe he should be the other bad guy, he'd fit as one. Definately bring back Michelle though mmmhmm :E

Oh and Sky has to be the bond girl who only wears bikini's, new law that ;)
This might possibly be the best idea I've heard, ever. :)
Susan could be M, Karl would have to be some other double-O agent (he's perfect for it :))
Paul Robinson and Izzy as the bad guys.

As long as Lynn and Summer die horribly, Sky and Carmella get naked together and Lou wears a dress, I'm happy :)
el Chi said:
This might possibly be the best idea I've heard, ever. :)
Susan could be M, Karl would have to be some other double-O agent (he's perfect for it :))
Paul Robinson and Izzy as the bad guys.

As long as Lynn and Summer die horribly, Sky and Carmella get naked together and Lou wears a dress, I'm happy :)
Heh Lynn is funny. I mean, I've never seen a character SO desperate not to get fired like everyone else in her family, those tears aren't cause of Steph, its from the realisation she's on her way out and now they've sent THREE off to NY, one to rehab, one to the great aussie soap in the sky, one to the lockup for supposedly killing him. You can just imagine how she's feeling lol.

Course WHY do they have to keep bringing batwings back into it?? There's no reason for her to be in it, can't she like, go home.

As for summer... well there's a hit and run storyline just asking to happen.

Oh and Boyd should have a gay storyline, just to wipe that smug grin of his face :p
The Dark Elf said:
Heh Lynn is funny. I mean, I've never seen a character SO desperate not to get fired like everyone else in her family, those tears aren't cause of Steph, its from the realisation she's on her way out and now they've sent THREE off to NY, one to rehab, one to the great aussie soap in the sky, one to the lockup for supposedly killing him. You can just imagine how she's feeling lol.

Course WHY do they have to keep bringing batwings back into it?? There's no reason for her to be in it, can't she like, go home.

As for summer... well there's a hit and run storyline just asking to happen.

Oh and Boyd should have a gay storyline, just to wipe that smug grin of his face :p
Seriously, Lynn sucks SO much.
I loved it when she was saying how she just wanted her family to be together for Christmas, conveniently over-looking the absence of two of her daughters, her birth mother, the father of her children and the presence of her irritating aunt and dying father. Sounds like the best Christmas EVER.

Also, Charlie got a terminal illness and was all of a sudden a font of knowledge and wisdom for all, and set about righting all the wrongs of Erinsborough in one fell, wheezing swoop. Is that a pleasant side-effect of whatever bloody disease he got?

Hit and run's too good for Summer.
I don't think Boyd would be so good as a gay guy, besides, I heard that
he gets schizophrenia! :o
And the sexy sexiness between Paul Robinson and that weird mayor lady <Shudders> Eeeeew.
I have faith in the new movie if it's directed by Martin Campbell - Goldeneye was on a few nights ago and I never get tired of watching it. Excellent film.

Of course, they'll need a decent Bond actor first if it's going to be remotely good. I think Julian McMahon would fit the role fantastically (yeah, yeah, he's not British - neither was Lazenby, but they allowed him to star).
Casino Royale doesn't sound like a James Bond title to me... In fact, its the same title as a 1967 spoof on James Bond.