bootable cd image to wipe a hard drive ?


Sep 18, 2003
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i need one, and can't find one -- so, i'm looking for an image i can burn to a cd, then boot off that cd and wipe/format/erase/nuke a [ide] hard drive.

i know i've stumbled upon something before, but that was a long time ago.
It is called the windows cd. You insert it, delete partition and bang! HD wiped!
^ your life must suck.

great link revisedsoul, thanks; didn't think of checking any hard drive vendor sites.

edit: someone linked me to this on another forum [ ], it looks awesome and i just noticed it has maxblast 4 in it, so if other ppl have the same question as me, use this -- still downloading from the maxtor site though, i think they only have version 3 on the cd.
uh, the reason i asked is because i did not have my xp box (with cd & so on inside) with me, otherwise i would have used the obvious choice of a windows cd.