Bored songs


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
for anyone who plays an instrument. whats your 'bored song'?
a song you make up one day and play it and remember it as the first song you made up.

i recorded mine.
The Bored Song

ive only been playin for under a month, so... Flame ahoy!!! :cheers:
hehe, I've been lookin' for an excuse to link to some stuff on WHOA, I'm just listening to the song now - it'd go well with one of my bored songs -

Not bad for a months playing, btw.
I can hear you actually sliding your fingers lol. It's pretty good.
edit: i updated the old one earlier oops! the link should now take you to the newer version! its alot more improved
lol not bad for a month's playing ;)

Reminds me of the stuff I used to play when I was gettings started hehe. I can still remember my "bored song" I still play it when messing about now and then :D

I could do it now, but my recorder thing's built in effects are pants, the distortion sounds like a dog in agony - so when I pick up another lead to use me Marshall as a preamp I'll post it :E
yay for marshall!

remember not to put the amp right next to the pc, i think it gives off interference.... had me perplexed for ages wondering why the hell there was a god-damn buzz
Dinkleberry said:
hehe, I've been lookin' for an excuse to link to some stuff on WHOA, I'm just listening to the song now - it'd go well with one of my bored songs -

Not bad for a months playing, btw.

drum for me!!!!!
I've been playing for like 3 weeks. We should make a newbie band and rock out/jam together!
hehe not bad at all - reminds me when i would makeup lame powerchord melodies while recording on sound recorder.
hmm i updated it just know.

hey, my leet skills surpass puny sound recorder!
sound recorder cant multitrack and add kickass effects with equaliser settings and delay and echo and reverb and flanger and echo chamber and directX effects and distortion and encoding and convultion and pitch changing and sweeping phaser and amplification and......
Whatever that effect was that you added in the background of the song at the end is, it sounds terrible. Take it out.
neptuneuk said:
waddya mean?

First the effect makes it sound like skipping CD but if you listen closer it a weird noise that's hard to describe. If fact I'm trying to think of a way to describe it but I can't. Maybe it's just my sound card but it starts at the end of the song for me.
neptuneuk said:
drum for me!!!!!
hahaha, the thing is is that its actually me presing random keys on my midi keyboard - gotta love the 'drum skits' on that thing. When its put through a distortion, anything can sound |_33T
I've been drumming for a few years and it actually translates surprisingly well onto my mate's crappy keyboard :) Except that the ride and snare keys had to be so far apart...

I have a couple 'go-to' grooves I came up with early on that I'm constantly imcorporating into jams and improving on. As for songs, a guitarist mate and I jam these two hard punkish songs we made up quite often, but they still haven't got any real structure. Also (in-between half-baked covers of Incubus and APC), we actually managed to come up with a really gnarly piece in an odd time sig. Problem is, my friend can't figure out which time sig it's in :rolleyes:

Pretty nice song, have to agree on that effect, although it doesn't sound intentional.

OI! That bit you play from 2:34 - 2:52 sounds EXACTLY like a groove my aforementioned guitarist friend was working on. LAWSUIT >_<
Pressure said:
First the effect makes it sound like skipping CD but if you listen closer it a weird noise that's hard to describe. If fact I'm trying to think of a way to describe it but I can't. Maybe it's just my sound card but it starts at the end of the song for me.

oh yeah the corruptedness :(

tried uploadin it again but failed