Boston Red Sox Win The World Series!!!!!!


May 28, 2004
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And the Yankees are also the biggest chokers in sports. Go celebrate.
Yes we know :P Yanks suck, Boston had one of the best pitching staffs this past year.
"world series"? "red sox"? hmm.. sounds like fun. will any pair of red socks do?
Lil' Timmy said:
"world series"? "red sox"? hmm.. sounds like fun. will any pair of red socks do?

No, no. They have to be those kind of socks.
and by world series you mean "within our own country."

Zah? :upstare:

Anyways, congrats to Boston Red Sox

I cant wait to see the banner lifted opening day.... against the Yankees.
yes, the redsox are the north american champions of the most boring freakin' sport on the entire planet. woo oo!
They'll die on the bus, the curse always strikes.

Not that I wish they die or anything....
Bastard, hit a damn grand slam off the yanks
I find baseball incredibly boring, unless I'm actually playing it.
It is no wonder they always lost, their socks were always stained with blood!

Now that they are vampires, they can use the blood for UNEARTHLY POWER!

Anything to make baseball more interesting :angel:
im sorry if i don't seem all that pumped up about the Red Sox winning.. must because it was so anti climatic.. i mean 4-0 sweeps are hardly interesting in any sport.. unless of course the team that wins happens to be ur fav one.

anyway congrats :thumbs:
well at least no one on the yankees fought an old man for no reason *cough*Pedro Martinez*cough*
Zeus said:
well at least no one on the yankees fought an old man for no reason *cough*Pedro Martinez*cough*

At least no manager for the Red Sox charged the starting pitcher for the New York Yankees for no reason *cough* Don Zimmer *cough*.

You Yankee fans make me laugh, even when the evidence is on video, you make it out to be something else.