Bots and Sliding doors

Sgt. Redneck

Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
I am working on my second CSS map (not going to say what it is until I finish, but when I do I will post a link to get it. It will be awesome I promise). Durring my tests while making it I noticed the areas where there are sliding doors (all of them are sliding, upwards in direction), the bots do not bother going there, regarding them as just walls. Even if I open them and try to command them to follow me they will not go across the doors. I want to know if there is anyway to "teach" the bots to actually utilize the doors, because it leaves a very linear map, basicly they take the only (actually two) routes, to get them to the oposing base.

I don't know, not crucial for a fix but it would be nice to play with not so stupid bots durring testing and have some inteligent bots in my server for that map. Oh, by the way, removing the doors is not an option, as I am re-mapping a level from a game we all love. Oh hell, fine. The level is the Temple from Goldeneye 007 for Nentendo 64. God please don't ruin that in any way.

Ok well enough random typing for now and sorry about all of that reading.

Any help/suggestions or anything would be greatly appreciated! :cheers: Thanks!
Alright got it. Thanks! Problem fixed. I edited the nav file, and the auto nav thing didn't see throught the door entities. It is awesome now. When I finish the lighting (only one room and a hall to do), I will put the map up for download and/or setup my server with it.

Oh one more question, what ports must I forward on my router to have a properly functional dedicated server running?
I know this is totally unrelated... but your signature.

Its a Head-Hopper, not a Head-Humper....

Shame on you!
Man you gotta be joking... Head humper is way funnier so it has to be. Is there a problem with your sound card or speakers or something? Maybe an audio file somewhere in the HL2 files can settle this.