Bots Vs FPS - Post your specs here


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Hey folks. I know most of us are getting problems with bots reducing the game to a *cool* 10FPS. Post all your system specs here so maybe we can figure out whats causing it all.

I'm running:

Athlon 64 3200+
1Gb Crucial Ballistix RAM
Radeon X800 XT PE 256Mb
Soundblaster Live 5.1

I'll try and get more detailed system specs. If anyone has any ideas on whats causing it, pipe up :)
I have no problems running 10 bots (just how I like it) on any map with barely any fps drop using:

P4 2.6Ghz
GeForce4 Ti4200 128MB

Running at 1280x1024, Highest detail settings (except for Shader Detail - set to low, gets rid of bump mapping, no AA or AF

How many bots are you running? With alot of bots your bound to have FPS issues, as your CPU now has to concentrate on processing all the AI for the bots, and the more bots you put in, the worse it gets. Unlike an online game, where you computer just renders the player models.
Yeah, I've tried it with varying numbers, and the same response really. But you know something is definitely wrong because the FPS doesn't go above or below 10FPS.
I have: P4 2.4c oc to 3ghz
512mb XMS ram 2x256
IS7 motherboard using onboard sound
GF4ti 4200 64mb vidcard

I can play on Dust with 15 bots(plus me), 8 vs 8, normal difficulty, and get between 30-33fps most of the time. If the bots congregate in the hall and start throwing nades, it drops to 26fps. This is at 640x480 high shadows/shaders, medium everything else, the same settings I play it at online
P4 3.2
1 gig ram
radeon 9800 pro 128meg
I play the game at 1290*960 and online i get 65+ FPS
i tryed to play with 19 bots (10 vs 10). I don't know my FPS but i think they were around 30. It was choppy but playable.
MAP: Dust2
BOTS: 39 (plus me = 40 total players)
FPS: 10-20 FPS, depneding on open area or enclosed area

MAP: Dust2
BOTS: 9 (plus me = 10 total players)
FPS: Seems normal - generally averaging 40, dipping to the 30's in some instances)

All settings on HIGH (water on medium), AA and AF on mid-settings. 1024X768

AMD Barton 2800+ (OCd to 3000)
1.5G Corsair XMS PC2700 (3 X 512)
ATI 9800XT 256M
AMD64 3400+
Asus A8V MB
Nvidia Geforce 6800 Ultra

I get about 110fps with 15 bots on de_dust2. More than that starts to drop the fps. 39 bots gets me about 60FPS. Highest settings cept for my resolution is on 1200x1024
64MB Intel Graphics
256 MB Ram

My friend has a computer twice as fast as mine and he gets a steady 10fps as well as i do. So i dont think computer settings really has much to do with it?
DreadLord1337 said:
AMD64 3400+
Asus A8V MB
Nvidia Geforce 6800 Ultra

I get about 110fps with 15 bots on de_dust2. More than that starts to drop the fps. 39 bots gets me about 60FPS. Highest settings cept for my resolution is on 1200x1024

Is it...possible?.

a lot of ppl with 3200+ don't get even 40fps on 20 bots.
kanette said:
Is it...possible?.

a lot of ppl with 3200+ don't get even 40fps on 20 bots.

check their RAM and video card then.. My video card can certainly hold its own.
I really don't think that the graphics card takes any part in controlling the bots...
ill check my fps this afternoon ( and will edit this post )

my specs :

Athlon 64 3500+
1Gb Corsair dualchannel Mem
Geforce 6800 GT 256 MB
2x 74 gig Raptors 10000 rpm disks in RAID-0 ( dunno if HDD speed has anything to do with it but what the hell ;) )
AMD 2600+
Geforce 4 Ti4200
60GB 7200RPM HardDrive

I get 15bots on any level happily. I tried with 39 bots, and got 6 fps when they first move off, then ~25fps in an open space.
1.8ghz (Dothan 2MB Cache) Processor
128 MB 9700 ATI Radeon Graphics
7200rpm HDD

I have graphics set at medium with 2x AA, and I can play with 15 bots on Dust and get around 50-60 fps. However, with 19 bots the fps drops to 10-20 fps in a firefight.
I am experiencing the same problem--though my framerate isn't that low. I have a Voodoo Hexx Computer and the specs are as follows:

Athlon 64 3000+
Asus K8V Deluxe
1 Gb of Corsair RAM
ATI Radeon X800 XT PE

When I run Counter Strike Source with 1 or 2 bots the game runs fine (120 fps with no action and down to 80 or 90 with action). When I increase the bot count to say 4 or 5 the framerate really takes a hit. It averages around 50 fps with action. The trend continues when I increase it (I just tried eight bots on de_tides and the framerate would dip down to the low thirties).

Also worth mentioning is that when I play with five bots or more my player seems to "lag" around a bit. When I am running and then stop, my player might move forward a bit more after I release the forward key. What is strange is that it doesn't happen all the time. My FRAPS counter seems to be outputting numbers that are higher than what my eye can tell.

If anyone has an idea on how to fix this problem I would greately appreciate it.
I've played with 20 bots and normal FPS (50+ I guess) on Dust, Dust 2, Italy and Aztec. Specs: AMD64 3200 Winchester, 1gig RAM, 9800 Pro, XP Pro, Audigy 5.1.

Tried 39 bots on Aztec once and got about 15 FPS.