Bottleneck cartridges, arghhh!

Oct 22, 2006
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So I've got an M.P.-5 model for H-L 2. All well and good. Now we all know that M.P.-5 shoots nine mill, so when the default bottleneck cartridges get ejected out it looks a bit weird. The question is, how can I change the cartridges from M.P.-7 cartridges to the 9 mill pistol cartridges?
Woah, woah, wait- There's bottleneck cratridges in the sdk?! Holy shit, tell me where they are!!! O.O
Also, I thought usually the mp7 ejacu- er, *ejected* 9mm shells anyway? So how come you had bottlenecked ones in the first place??!
You know what? Actually I don't know. I thought they came with the model I downloaded, but then I realised that I could see 9mm rounds in the magazine so it would have been a bit weird if the person who made the model made a rather contradictary mistake by putting 9mm rounds in the visible M.P.-5 magazine and then making it spit out bottlenecks.

Here's the link for the model. And here's where I it says the M.P.-7 shoots bottleneck. And just incase anyone can't be bothered to download the model and have a look, here's a picture of it ingame:


Look near the stock of the gun in the lower left. Clearly bottleneck

Look in the magazine. Clearly 9 mill.

Confused? I certainly am.
A question, Flynn... you do enjoy Half-Life 2, right, and are just picking at all these things for the sake of picking at them, right? :D
No...I know there are 9mm shells because another model has them. And I know there are bottleneck shells because this model has them. The thing is the shell models that each of these models have would be more appropiate if they were swapped around. So how do I swap around these shell models?
Well you see if someone had just told me the answer of my question instead of making comments like "Is it worth it" then yes, it would have been worth the trouble. Now with people like you trolling for no reason I'm starting to wonder why.
I wouldnt of thought it was possible, because arent the shells included in the model, so unless you find a way to edit the model, or just make your own, i dont think you can, but im totally unsure.
I'm wondering why you wanted an MP5 model in the first place. Is it for a major conversion? The MP7 in the game is quite accurate, and IRL it's generally a superior weapon.
MP5 is pure legacy it must be said... just think how many games have it in.
Hey do sarcastinator the accuracy doesn't change depending on what model you have :p The reason I have the M.P.-5 model is because it looks cooler :p