bought from newegg how long is wait its been


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hello once Newegg Completes step 2 how many more days till graphics card will arrive at house?

Step 1: Order has been received. Your credit card has not been charged yet. Please allow 1-2 business days for your order to process and ship.
Step 2: Order has been successfully charged. Additional address verification will be performed as needed. Please allow 1-2 business days before shipping. No Change orders will be allowed at this time.
Step 3: All verifications are complete. All items have been succesfully retrieved. Please allow 1 business day before shipping.
Step 4: Your order has been packed and sealed. Please allow 1 business day before shipping.
Step 5: Your order has been shipped. Your package tracking number is provided below.
Void: Your order is no longer valid. All voided orders cannot be reprocessed. It must be re-ordered. Please call our customer service line for any questions or assistance.
Using the cheap shipping, I would say on Monday. If you're lucky, Friday.
It should shoot to Step 5 once it continues. Generally it doesn't take long at all, infact many people get their product < 4-5 days after ordering.
sweet monday too long of wait i did the $1 shipping ehhehe
I ordered both a 9800XT and a 17" LCD monitor Sunday night and it got here today. Miracles can happen. ;) (I used cheap-ass shipping, too!) What did you order, out of curiosity?
I made a big order mon monday night(everything in my sig) And fedex has it now should arrive tomorrow I think.