Bowie fans out there?


Jul 21, 2006
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I'm starting to listen to some Bowie but other than "the man who sold the world", I don't know much about the guy. Recommendations are always appreciated. :angel:
Listen to "I'm afraid of Americans" By Bowie with NiN ! woot!
I enjoy his music, mostly his hits though. "Rebel, Rebel"; "Golden Years", and "Young Americans" are probably my favorites.
I grew up listening to Bowie. Haven't a clue on any of it now, mind.
I have to agree his stuff his pure genius. He has so much variety of styles in all his albums. In my opinion, he tops the beatles by far.

Well I just, um, "acquired", a best of collection. You'd best do the same.
Hell yeah. She was friggin hot in Labyrinth. Mmmmmyeah, I'd hit that.
he's best during his ziggy stardust era ..truely a man ahead of his time
He's so amazing they even put several of his songs into Portugese and made them acoustic for The Life Aquatic. That's how kickass he is.

I reccommend getting your hands on those songs, they're a great compliment to the originals.
While Ziggy Stardust, Hunky Dorry, Aladdin sane and Scary Monsters( not from the same era, but pretty close) are all amazing albums my fav by him is LOW.
I managed to snag a three-disc greatest hits for twenty bucks. Best music deal ever.

Ziggy Stardust and Diamand Dogs are my two favorite albums, although they're also the only full albums I own, so nurr.

Speaking of, The Man Who Fell To Earth (starring Bowie) is an absolutely brilliant film.
Download these:

Ziggy Stardust
Life On Mars
Space Oddity
New Killer Star (newer)

He still makes good music to this day. Most of those songs will be on Youtube if you wanna check them out first.
Download these:

Ziggy Stardust
Life On Mars
Space Oddity
New Killer Star (newer)

He still makes good music to this day. Most of those songs will be on Youtube if you wanna check them out first.

For his post Ziggy work Download

Watch that Man
Rebel Rebel
Young Americans
Station to Station
Golden Years
Sound and vision
Be my wife
African Fright Night
Ashes to Ashes
(these are the more accessable works off his late 70's albums)
Yeah, David Bowie rocks!
I love Ashes to Ashes, Ziggy Stardust and Space Oddity. Also Major Tom is one my most favourite fictional characters...
Also worth mentioning is 'This is not America' with the Pat Metheny Band. Great track. Also very cool: 'Under Pressure', together with Queen. Vanilla Ice raped that track.
When I first heard of Bowie, he wasn't very in vogue. Twas around 1998-ish when I was getting into PC Gaming and he was contributing to weird frenchy game Omikron. The Journos seemed pretty negative about his involvement and I basically steered clear of both Bowie and the game thinking 'this is the kind of stuff my dad would listen to and thus, sad' (as a matter of fact, my dad isn't a Bowie fan and I was giving him too much credit :P). Of course, in actuality, i'd been listening to Bowie for years (he's unavoidable) and felt like I right lemon when friend got me into a bunch of songs I'd enjoyed but never really connected with the has-been musician who had dared to be 'down with kids' by appearing in a (mature rated) video game :P

I got 'the best of bowie' a few christmas's back, loved it but never got any more stuff. Been buying up the back catalogue since I recieved Ziggy Stardust for christmas. Now own The Man Who Sold the World, Hunky Dory, Aladdin Sane and Low as well. I actually kind of wish I never went for the 'Best of', because I sometimes find myself skipping (brilliant) tracks even of the stature of Starman, Ziggy Stardust, Changes and Life on Mars? because I've heard them a gazillion times.

It's clear that the guy is a genius even from my limited cross-section. Each album has a different yet great sound. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is probably my favourite. The Man Who Sold the World doesn't quite feel as well rounded, but it has some great tracks (the title song, All the Madmen, Saviour Machine, The Supermen). Hunky Dory has some of my absolute favourite Bowie tracks (Changes, Oh You Pretty Things, Life on Mars and other decent tracks like The Bewlay Brothers and Andy Warhol) but I haven't warmed to one or two tracks on there (Kooks anyone?). Aladdin Sane is great stuff, but doesn't quite have the narrative concept that holds Ziggy aloft.

As for Low, well, it's good but so different that I don't honestly think there's a basis for comparrison with those earlier albums (I got it after BBC Radio 2 recently focused on 'The Berlin Trilogy'). Perhaps it'd make more sense if i'd listened to Pin Ups through Station to Station. Nevertheless, its an album I went into a little disappointed at the lack of Bowie vocally (I expect many do), but I've grown to love the instrumentals. For some reason I think of the ambient music in Deus Ex when I hear some of these tracks. Perhaps Reeves Gabriels was taking notes from his chum when he came up with the Deus Ex music?

edit: oh, and...

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