boys aged 9 and 10 arrested for drawing


May 5, 2004
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"OCALA, Florida (AP) -- Two boys were arrested for making pencil-and-crayon stick figure drawings depicting a 10-year-old classmate being stabbed and hung, police said. The children, charged with a felony, were taken from school in handcuffs."


that's a little extreme ...handcuffs? were the cops afraid for their safety from knee-biting kids?
Wtf mate. :|

Whats with the kids now'n days.
WTF?!! What's with the police nowadays? Got nothing better to do? :dozey:
no it's not fake news's from cnn (well I know they play the war propaganda card a little too much, but they're still a news source)
That is utter nonsense, it is a god damn drawing!!!!!
The world is becoming even more rediculous all the time, it's already beyond a joke.
The sad part is that it only seems crazy to the people on this side of the atlantic pond.
Hmmm... if drawing hung / stabbed stick men is acrime, imagine what the police would to to most of the goths who scribble (detailed) pictures of themselves / people they know being slaughtered ot hung in gruesome ways. Heck, for doing my art contest entry i should be fined! and TDE should be put in prison!
Sounds a bit reactionary to me...

I didn't have many friends as a kid, pretty much the butt of everyone elses joke... so I drew pictures of those who were the ringleaders of my abuse at the business ends of weapons ranging from knives to machine guns to missiles. I'm sure I even hung a couple in effegy.
Does this mean playing 'hangman' is a felony too?
lord dubu said:
Sounds a bit reactionary to me...

I didn't have many friends as a kid, pretty much the butt of everyone elses joke... so I drew pictures of those who were the ringleaders of my abuse at the business ends of weapons ranging from knives to machine guns to missiles. I'm sure I even hung a couple in effegy.

I'm pretty sure most kids did this teacher would sometimes end up under a school bus in some of my early drawings
this is just going over the line, theyre kids for godsake, they didnt know any better, arresting them? omg, why dont they go out and catch the real criminals fs.
How stupid, I couldn't count the violent drawings I drew in regard to others and my teachers. It's kind of something almost all kids do.
Americans are crazy, if the kid these 2 were threatening was investigated i think they would find more e.g. bullying or maybe those 2 kids were bullying the kid they Drew.

All i know is that the school should have addressed the problem within,
think how truamatising it is for a 9 and 10 y/o to be handcuiffed and escorted from school and suspended,

When i was suspended in yr10 for crippling the school network with my " accidental" skills and the school merely threatened to inform the police i was laying one

Paw kids :frown:
KoreBolteR said:
this is just going over the line, theyre kids for godsake, they didnt know any better, arresting them? omg, why dont they go out and catch the real criminals fs.
Maybe they are making examples of them? Still its a pretty stupid thing to do.
a farking felony? for drawing? it may have been a threatening illustration, but damn.

but, i can always play devil's advocate. what if these arrests prevented a potential columbine (yes, i know they are 9 and 10)? do the ends then justify the means?
not only country where police waste their time. Those of you from the UK here will know about the story in which the police spent £10,000 on helicopters, planes and patrol cars spying on a woman driving to work whilst eating an apple, trying to prove she was driving unsafely cos she was eating. She was found guilty in court and charged £60...honestly wtf? waste of cash is an understatement.
Freedom of speech.

They'll get scolded, but nothing more. Sucks that it probably is another Columbine in the making, but nothing until the authorities can prove a pattern to make a plot.
I agree its a little extreme, but I can almost guarantee that the kids are going to be released. Not much is going to actually be done, and i'll be surprised if it is.

However, I am worried about the kids being raised these days. I see such disrespect, anger, attitude, and general hatred towards others in many children today. We're not just a nation of adult murderers... we have little kids that kill others as well, even below the age of 10, which frightens me.

Arresting is too much for these kids, but they SHOULD be taken to speak with psychiatrists to guage why exactly they would draw such things unlike other kids who would draw more pleasant, kid related things.
firemachine69 said:
Freedom of speech.

They'll get scolded, but nothing more. Sucks that it probably is another Columbine in the making, but nothing until the authorities can prove a pattern to make a plot.
I don't really think freedom of speech has anything to do with it.
Sure, them being arrested was completely over the top, but what they drew sounds extremely worrying, to say the least.
That said, small boys do have a slightly morbid fascination with violence and usually - fingers crossed - level out somewhat as they go on.
Oh please, give me a break. Depicting violence, wether through drawing/acting/whatever is not grounds for this kind of action. Kids do it all the time. Hell, I used to depict a lot of violence through drawings when I was young, and some of it did include other children I disliked.

Fast forward to today and I do not have a single murderous bone in my body.

It's ventilation coupled with a child's overactive imagination and any typical boy's fascination with violence. If you think that kind of thing deserves intervention from the authorities, then are you going to charge an office worker for tossing darts at his Boss' photo?
Absinthe said:
Oh please, give me a break. Depicting violence, wether through drawing/acting/whatever is not grounds for this kind of action. Kids do it all the time. Hell, I used to depict a lot of violence through drawings when I was young, and some of it did include other children I disliked.

Fast forward to today and I do not have a single murderous bone in my body.

It's ventilation coupled with a child's overactive imagination and any typical boy's fascination with violence. If you think that kind of thing deserves intervention from the authorities, then are you going to charge an office worker for tossing darts at his Boss' photo?

You probably broke those murderous bones growing up and crippled them.
In my opinion, if 9 and 10 year old boys are drawing pictures like that they def. deserve a good ass-woopin. If I was one of those cops Id prolly had stunned the kids with my tazer along with putting them in handcuffs. (God damn rap music)
rap music? where are you getting this from? show me how rap music is involved?

so kids deserve to be physically abused for something they drew?

god the stupidity in this place really astounds me sometimes
I'll tell you exactly how we got here, in one word; Columbine.

Those two fckers created an entire generation of jaded parents.
CptStern said:
rap music? where are you getting this from? show me how rap music is involved?

so kids deserve to be physically abused for something they drew?

god the stupidity in this place really astounds me sometimes

Yes sir
who ever said something about the kids being morons and that they should be punished with a tazer.....


that's pretty sick, what kind of person are you if you would punish children for being well... children?

but like i said before ONLY IN AMERICA

ooooookay what way do you mean "hung" ? :naughty:
CptStern said:
ooooookay what way do you mean "hung" ? :naughty:

lmao :cheers: cheers to you mate, omg the fbi is knocking on mi d00r!! :D :imu: , only it's for drawing child pr0n! :O
heheh seriously you know something I dont? *looks down at crotch* :E

maybe it's like the rear-view mirror thingy know: "objects are larger than they appear" ...hehehe
CptStern said:
heheh seriously you know something I dont? *looks down at crotch* :E

maybe it's like the rear-view mirror thingy know: "objects are larger than they appear" ...hehehe
aww stern you should just have said "yeah.... it's pretty ****ing huge!" your cool factor would have gone way up :naughty: