Brain Worms! D:

French Ninja

Jan 8, 2005
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Or more accurately, human bot flies.
yo thas fukin sick dude

I'd ****in freak out like a girl if I saw that shit crawlin in my head and didn't know what it was

I saw this tv show the other day about 'bodysnatchers' on Discovery channel. It was wild.

Maybe you can find some youtube videos on body snatchers.
there's something really satisfying about watching that thing being pulled out. Anyone felt the same way?
there's something really satisfying about watching that thing being pulled out. Anyone felt the same way?

Oh god, yeah.

Everything was gross up till they started pulling it out. Then I started watching and was all "HAHA! Awesome!"

You know that feeling when you pop a blackhead?

Speaking of brains and worms...

Maybe you guys know that if you eat undercooked or rare meat, you have a high chance of getting parasites that live in your body. Unfortunately, I forget what they are called, but they can be like 30 football fields long or some incredible shit, and eventually, they move up and live in your brain.

In studies, this slows down the reaction time of humans, and increases chances of a car accident.

I think by now you know you will be getting the condensed version, missing important details, but the fact remains - eat undercooked meat, and be a host. I'll go on now.

Many creatures have parasites and don't even know it.

The parasitic worm is eaten by the fish, the parasite grows nearly half the size of the fish itself, and damages the fish's brain and makes the fish swim funny, and less responsive to danger.

And so the fish is an easy target for a bird to swoop into the water to eat the infected fish; the bird gets sick and dies, and the worms come out and get eaten by fish again.

It's the whole life cycle of the parasite. This is only one example, but parasites are everywhere.

The parasites that I've described have one thing in common; they slightly hinder reaction times and reactions themselves of the host, so as to make their host an easy target so they are eaten, and the parasite life cycle continues. Rinse and repeat.

The ability of the parasite to makes the host more vulnerable to being eaten and spreading the parasites offspring to a new host is amazing.

These simple little creatures - similarly to viruses, germs, and just about any other simple cell creature have had to evolve just like everything else over billions of years, and they are quite good at what they do.
Sounds like BS to me. Eat anything undercooked and you risk getting intestinal and heart worms, sure, but i've NEVER heard of anybody getting BRAIN worms, and people here eat uncooked fish daily.

Hell, I loved poke :D
Sounds like BS to me. Eat anything undercooked and you risk getting intestinal and heart worms, sure, but i've NEVER heard of anybody getting BRAIN worms, and people here eat uncooked fish daily.

Hell, I loved poke :D

Here you encouraged me to refresh my memory.

It's called Toxoplasmosis.

Read about this. Your safety is not guaranteed.

The U.S. NHANES (2004-2005) national probability sample found that 33.1% of U.S. persons above 12 years of age had Toxoplasma-specific IgG antibodies, indicating that they had been infected with the organism. This prevalence has significantly increased from the 1999-2000 data.[25]

It is estimated that between 30% and 65% of all people worldwide are infected with Toxoplasmosis. However, there is large variation countries: in France, for example, around 88% of the population are carriers, probably due to a high consumption of raw and lightly cooked meat. [26] Germany, the Netherlands and Brazil also have high prevalences of around 80%, over 80% [27] and 67% respectively. In Britain, about 22% are carriers, and South Korea's rate is only 4.3%.

It's all over the science news as a slightly recent discovery:

Have you found any other effects of latent toxoplasmosis on humans?
"Yes, for example, infected people have much longer reaction times and they have impaired psycho-motor performance. It has also some practical impact on the life of the infected people. For example, we have data showing that infected subjects have about 2.5 times higher probability of a traffic accident. Recently, these results have been confirmed but a different study performed in Turkey."
Sweet. She is like the Lord of the botFlies.
haha, we watched these videos at school!

you gotta find the one where there is this weird fat dude who looks like george lucas, he gets one in the skin of his belly, but he's like "I decided to keep this, I named him George", weird guy