

Jul 5, 2003
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I just watched this movie. It was fairly odd, and I'm not sure if I understood it. It was funny to see how they thought the world would look in "the late 20th century" though, considering the movie was made in 1985...
The one scene that sticks into me is the cosmetic scene where that person says she look several years younger, even though she look horrendous :P
It's one of my favourite movies.
I liked the original version the best, the sad ending. There is another version that has the happy ending and it's shorter.

I could imagine. I watched the version that had the happy ending first, and it turns out that he had simply lost his mind. I'm glad of it too, because the happy ending seemed way too outlandish for me.
Awesome movie. I watched it just a few weeks ago, both versions (and commentaries). So good.
It's an awesome movie. Remember the doctor with the baby face mask at the end? My brother is getting one of those custom made for himself by one of his friends.

I hate you.

Brazil is probably my favourite movie of all time. I never grow tired of it, don't think I ever will. Brilliant movie.
One of my teacher in college asked us to listen this movie for an homework. I'm glad he did because its an awesome movie, I prefer the sad ending too. He also make us listen Memento, two movie that I would never had listen by myself, I now love both movie.
De Niro as the madcap military engineer makes the movie.
Yeah, the whole movie I was trying to figure out if that was actually Robert De Niro or not... it was.

Good flick. Gilliam is a genius more or less.
wow what a coincidence...i just watched it a few days ago too for the first time.

personally i stopped watching at 3/4 of the movie.

it really was a original and deep movie but i just wasn't in the mood that day. might watch the end sometime.
you simply cannot watch this movie without reading Orwell's 1984 or knowing a little about the political climate of the early 80's'd only be getting half the picture
The other half of the picture is still great, but yeah, I enjoyed the movie a lot more on my second viewing a year or so later.
Judging from this thread, there is nothing about this movie I will not like.