Breaking Bad Season 3

yeah I can't wait for the new season. it feels like its been forever since season 2 ended
I can wait.

I just started watching season 2.
Can't wait.

The last episode or two of Season 2:
It seemed to be taking on an intertwined story like the film Crash. I'm not sure if I like that direction or not, to be honest. Maybe I was just annoyed because there were no more episodes to watch.
Anyway, this might be my favorite TV series of all time.
Main character is becoming very unlikeable at the end of Season 2. I like this. :3
Haven't seen the videos. Thanks man!
Main character is becoming very unlikeable at the end of Season 2. I like this. :3

Well he is slowly turning into a **** through the actions he taking, subtle steps lead to madness, not star wars "I banged my toe, I'll turn evil LOL!" kind of crap...
No ****ing way! My favorite show at this point and I had no idea it was coming back that soon, thanks for posting this. I might have to rewatch the first 2 seasons again, been almost a year.

New trailer:

****ing awesome.
This show is one of my favorites. Bryan Cranston is a superb actor.
So I just finished watching the first episode of the new season.

Well... Skyler is a ****.

What's up with these ice cold mexican gangsters? Why did they have to kill those people because they saw their boots? Jesus Christ that's retarded and unnecessary... and probably only was in there to make us think they're bad ass killers out to do anything to kill Walter.

That's my guess who they're coming to kill... since they had a picture of him in that shrine. But wouldn't it be ****ing hilarious and retarded if... at the end of season 3... we find out they're only there to kill somebody else other than walter... like the fast food restaurant owner. You know like Season 2 where we saw all those scenes only to have it be a relatively unrelated plane crash all things considered.

AND SPEAKING OF THAT GOD DAMN PLANE CRASH... WHY THE **** DID THEY TREAT IT SO SHITTILY LIKE THEY DID? I mean ****... that was your ****ing last season cliffhanger and now it's just a past event in the news? No images of the aftermath or anything like that?

Lastly... what the **** was up with those people crawling to that shrine. That makes no god damn sense.

This season better be ****ing good.
Well ... the plane crash at the end of last season wasn't so much a cliffhanger as a very literal way to cram the notion that Walter's actions are having a terrible impact on the world. There was literally fire raining down upon him ... I was a bit disappointed at the climax but I like the direction they were taking the character.

But I didn't mind the way they treated the plane crash in this, his attempts at rationalizing and deflecting guilt fit his character. I'm not sure what else they could really do with it.

But yeah, the beginning was a bit silly and not as mysterious as I think they were going for. The actions of the gangsters also seemed silly, but oh well.
Episode wasn't that great as a season premiere, but decent overall.

I agree that the crawling thing is a bit silly. It obviously has some kind of religious meaning, but it makes it hard to take those guys seriously. Made me laugh that they got to drive most of the way and get in front of the others so that they could go first at the shrine. But yeah, their "badassness" is absurdly overplayed. In fact, I think their whole role is overplayed. I liked in the last season that there was only a couple seconds of foreshadowing with the plane crash each episode, with more and more pieces coming together until the event actually happened. If they did the same with this, it would be a lot more meaningful, less cheesy, and more tense. They should have just showed the first few shots of the guy crawling on the ground and people ignoring him, and left it at that for the episode. Would have built up the suspense a lot more, in my opinion.

But I think the crash is playing out decently. The high-school gym meeting thing was AWFUL though. His little rant thing felt really contrived and forced to me. Even if Walt was trying to convince himself that it wasnt his fault, he's still got some social competence. Enough to not speak his mind like that in front of everyone, and to realize he was digging himself into a hole. And the ineptitude of the highschool students made me angry too. Not all high schoolers are blathering idiots like that.

Also, Skylers a ****. A fully justified one, but a **** nonetheless.
I thought the premiere was a little crap to be honest, there just wasn't a ton of substance to it. This season is still shaping up to be awesome though and it could go anywhere from here. I'm so happy this is finally back on TV, it seems like forever ago that I finished season 2.
It's great that an uneventful episode like this one still manages to leave me wanting more so badly. Can't wait for next week.

I'm sure the season is going to be great.

"Half a million in cash."
Idunno, the more I think about it, the less I like this episode. Everything seems so out of character for Walt.

Hes spent the entire last two seasons sacrificing everything to keep up this lie, and now hes all of the sudden confessing to Skyler, playing it ballsy with that "half a million in cash" comment to his brother in law, a damn DEA agent. I guess they want us to assume that getting kicked out of his home is changing his perception of the situation, but he still seems stubborn as shit so its unbelievable. Plus, this whole change must have happened in the time between the end of the last season and the start of this one, because they sure as hell havent shown us any character development that would take him down this route.
For everyone wondering:

Crawling/praying in order to gain Santa Muerte's favor in their quest of I'm guessing revenge against Walter. I'm thinking they are somehow related to Tuco, because, in their drawing, Walter is wearing the same hat he wore during the deal with Tuco back in S1. Everyone other than Tuco who's seen Walter wear that hat is not crazy enough to be friends with the mute psychos.

Also don't worry, Walter will be back being a criminal again in no time. Too late for redemption now!

A recurring theme in the ep was acceptance. Walter needs to accept who he is now.

Put your christmas hat back on :|
I though the episode was good, def worth of something building up.
I agree with a lot of the things said, but overall I was really happy with the premiere. I'm hoping it goes places, but I have no reason to believe I will be disappointed.

One thing that still pisses me off is the plane crash. It seems to want to put a big emphasis on the theme that drugs are bad. yeah, no shit they are bad. But saying that smoking meth will lead to 200 people dying in a violent plane crash is a bit of a stretch to me.
I don't really think that's the point they are trying to make. Also I'm guessing they had Walt/Skyler die at season 2 finale at some point, then when the series got another season they had the plane crash as an ending.

Also those Latinos won't be in any more episodes. They both died from shrapnel from the truck that exploded.
I don't really think that's the point they are trying to make. Also I'm guessing they had Walt/Skyler die at season 2 finale at some point, then when the series got another season they had the plane crash as an ending.

Also those Latinos won't be in any more episodes. They both died from shrapnel from the truck that exploded.

No that's impossible. They're too badass and terminator like to affected by stupid things like that.

That's what they want us to think.

I agree with a lot of the things said, but overall I was really happy with the premiere. I'm hoping it goes places, but I have no reason to believe I will be disappointed.

One thing that still pisses me off is the plane crash. It seems to want to put a big emphasis on the theme that drugs are bad. yeah, no shit they are bad. But saying that smoking meth will lead to 200 people dying in a violent plane crash is a bit of a stretch to me.

Smoking meth doesn't do that, MAKING meth does.
Smoking meth doesn't do that, MAKING meth does.

That's retarded too, but didn't she overdose on meth? So the crash had nothing to do with the manufacture of it, but because the chick was dumb and overdosed. And actually now that I remember it wasn't meth, it was heroin no?
That's retarded too, but didn't she overdose on meth? So the crash had nothing to do with the manufacture of it, but because the chick was dumb and overdosed. And actually now that I remember it wasn't meth, it was heroin no?

No, don't you see... It was walt's fault. Him making meth caused the plane to crash. If he wasn't making meth, Jesse and her never would have met and all that jazz happened.


Anyway... I just hope the rest of this season is better than the premiere. I've been watching this show from day 1 on AMC... I'm not about to abandon it yet.
She choked when Walt accidentally pushed her on her back, and then choose not to help her when she was choking on her own vomit.
You really thought it was that bad that you are getting ready to abandon it? I personally really liked the premire. Reminded me why I love this show.

And I know that if you do all these degrees of seperation you can link Walt to it, but it's an absurd idea and I'm not really buying it. I still don't understand why they put the plane crash in there. But any show will have its flaws, this is a very small issue in the grand scheme of things. It just sucks having to wait a week for each episode.
She choked when Walt accidentally pushed her on her back, and then choose not to help her when she was choking on her own vomit.

Ahh shit, ok I totally forgot about that. Makes much more sense. I wish I had more time to rewatch the second season.
You really thought it was that bad that you are getting ready to abandon it? I personally really liked the premire. Reminded me why I love this show.

And I know that if you do all these degrees of seperation you can link Walt to it, but it's an absurd idea and I'm not really buying it. I still don't understand why they put the plane crash in there. But any show will have its flaws, this is a very small issue in the grand scheme of things. It just sucks having to wait a week for each episode.

Uhh no... Even if it was shitty I wouldn't abandon it. I would see it to the end probably.

I mean... unless it got like, Heroes bad.

I love the show. I was just a bit pissed off by the finale of last season and a bit disappointed by the opening of this one.

Like I said... I was watching Breaking Bad from the very beginning... Day 1. I think I even made the first thread about it on here... one that nobody was replying to(Qonfused: ITT Raziaar) I love it and I'm not going to abandon it because of a slight disappointment at the opening episode of season 3.

EDIT: found it... lol
Who wants to bet that we won't have any encounter between Walt and these two fine murdering machines until the end of the season? It's just a little teaser.

The "badass" music that plays when they're on screen... like in the scene with tuco's father... kind of annoys me. Yeah we get it... you want us to think they're badass terminators.

Man... The Wire has really spoiled me in many ways.

Looking forward to the next episode.
Who wants to bet that we won't have any encounter between Walt and these two fine murdering machines until the end of the season? It's just a little teaser.

The "badass" music that plays when they're on screen... like in the scene with tuco's father... kind of annoys me. Yeah we get it... you want us to think they're badass terminators.

Man... The Wire has really spoiled me in many ways.

Looking forward to the next episode.

I'm willing to bet that propping up the two cartel guys as badass is being used as misdirection. Gus might prove to be even more ruthless

I enjoyed the episode, but it seems like it still is setting everything up until the shtf. Next weeks episode looks promising.
I listen to a local radio show in the morning here in Albuquerque on my way to work and they had Hank on this morning. He said that Hank's dark side will soon come out, so my guess is Hank will start helping Walt.

Overall I thought last night's episode was great. I just can't get used to watching this damn show week to week, I used to love being able to watch 3-5 episodes in one sitting.
Did anyone elses heart race as the two cartel guys entered the house?

Damn good episode, the pizza part had me laughing
Overall, it was a great episode.
I really got a kick out of the son buying the house.
The son always wanted it, the ultimate **** you to his patients
So is Jesse just straight up evil now? It seemed like he really cares about his parents, but then he goes and does that. Also, that place better look god damn amazing if they put $400,000 just into repairs. That house was not even close to worth $800k.

The pizza thing was hilarious too. I wonder if they intended for that to happen, or if he just threw it in 'anger' and it landed up there, and the director decided to roll with it. Because that must have taken several, several takes to make it happen so casually.