Breaking News: Car Bomb in Times Square - Didn't Go off

Yeah, looks pretty white to me. Possibly Asian, that would be a twist, wouldn't it?
Asian eh?

I think he'd be an 'insurgent' or 'rebel' in that case, I don't think they can be terrorists either.
Oh so it was a white guy?

The media should really check before describing it as a terrorist attack.

since when is a car bomb not a terrorist activity?? it could have been a 14 year old kid dressed as an old man and it would still be a terrorist attack that failed
since when is a car bomb not a terrorist activity?? it could have been a 14 year old kid dressed as an old man and it would still be a terrorist attack that failed

/didn't get the joke
What's going on in that youtube video? What's with the guy taking off his shirt? Is he the one who was behind all this?
Maybe someone is just pissed at Viacom for removing all the Youtube videos.
NEW YORK – A Pakistani man believed to be the driver of an SUV used as a car bomb in a failed terror attack on Times Square was taken into custody late Monday by FBI agents and local police detectives while trying to leave the country, U.S. officials said.

The suspect, Faisal Shahzad, was identified by customs agents at John F. Kennedy International Airport at about 11:45 p.m. Monday and was stopped before boarding an Emirates airlines flight to Dubai
The rest of the story:
Looks like it was an attack directed towards Viacom, for South Park. He felt he could send a very strong message and get away with it (without sacrificing himself or his way of life, I mean). I'm not sure if this will be the end of it either.

They should parody extremists from now on. That would be hilarious. :laugh: Just picture it.
I'll be very pleased if it was South Park related.

When the controversy was going, all the pseudo-liberals were like, oh there isn't really any Muslim threat, they're making a mountain of a molehill blah blah blah.

Now all we need is for comedy central to make a proper stand and rebroadcast the episode, uncensored.
Oh well dude's a Pakistani. Guess I was wrong. But as an Indian I guess I am not too displeased either.
wow, this dude was an absolute retard in terms of leaving evidence behind.
The asshole

Breaking news!

Authorities shut down RFK Bridge in New York after driver abandons U-Haul truck on bridge.

via text message
On the bridge? Damn, that could be nasty.
New York police have closed the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge on both sides after a Manhattan-bound U-Haul truck was abandoned about 1,000 feet from a toll booth.

NYPD Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said the bomb squad has been dispatched to the site of the bridge, formerly known as the Triborough Bridge.

The truck, with Arizona license plates, was headed into Manhattan from the Bronx when the driver ran from the truck, witnesses said.

When a toll booth operator approached the truck, he smelled a strong odor of gasoline, police said.
I'm afraid to leave my house now!! ****ing terrorists!!!!!!
Haha these must be the worst terrorists I've ever heard of.
I think I'm having a panic attack!!


seriously though, if I knew my neighbor was a douchbag terrorist, I'd light a couple Molotovs chuck them over the fence and watch him burn.
Didnt hear about it on the news.

Ahhh, news corporations have such control over us.
"Suspicious" package found near 45th street.
I thought you were joking about all that nutjob shit, bro. I mean I know some of it can be convincing, but this?
Hey man, if they declassify their ties with the Underwear Bomber, then sure--THEYAREALLREPTILIANSAFTERTHEWATERSUPPLY!

But reptiles can go for long periods without water. They don't even have sweat glands.
Well that's the thing, Al Gore (AKA Al I'MA****INGREPTILIAN Gore) has this private company that will charge people 33 (zomg the highest degree in freemasonry) thousand dollars for one-hundred litres of water.


I mean, I do believe in some of the stuff I post about; but I wouldn't exactly be setting an anti-NWO bastion of able-bodied and sharp-witted warriors on a ****ing gaming forum. Most of the time I'm trolling.

I was kind of hoping Samon or something would just come in one day and post this huge wall of text about how I'm wrong.

Then I'd simply say "That's how they want you to think. :3"

In the meantime, though, you should check out the Private American Police Force; more or less a mercenary band of Police (Run by a man with a warrant for his arrest in some countries), that, for whatever reason, bears the Serbian double-crested eagle in it's shield.

They hung around Hardin in vehicles with local police department decals; though Hardin doesn't have a police force.

These guys have also been seen hanging around abandoned military bases; ones being constantly refurbished and fit with new barbed wire. FEMA apparently will run them as emergency camps when they open up again.