Breeding Giant Dragonflies; what could possiblie go wrong?


May 5, 2004
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You know what there's not nearly enough of, on this fine planet of ours? Dangerous animals that could wipe us all out in one fell swoop. I guess that's why these sadistic scientists bred extra-large dragonflies, then?

The scientists raised atmospheric oxygen levels to above 30 per cent, which is closer to how the Paleozoic era's environment would've been, supposedly. Once the air was right for breeding, Dr John VandenBrooks and his team then successfully managed to breed dragonflies with wingspans of roughly 70cm.


less sensationalist article:
Gizmodo article fail is only surpassed by the comments.
Didn't anyone watch Governor Ventura's new show "Consipracy"? It's all DoD biological warfare. He did a show about how there is a research facility on Plum Island in NY started by an Ex-Nazi. One of his ideas was to inject ticks with biological agents and release them on enemies. Some believe that the facility created Lyme disease, injected ticks with it, and some of the ticks escaped or were released. Seriously people, get with it and do some research.

maybe he's on to something
Ugh, looks like on of those flying creatures from the first Unreal game.

*Runs away screaming like little girl*

Yes, I did react like my avatar when I saw that photo.
I'm terribly disappointed that spiders were never as large as dragonflies on the past.
maybe he's on to something

I wouldn't be so quick to laugh, Bill Gates and/or Japan has been funding to do the opposite, rather than insects injecting biological-weapons into the enemy, it's mosquitoes force-injecting you with mercury-ridden H1N1 vaccinations.

Whether that's awesome or not I'll leave up to you.
Why couldn't they have focused their attentions on something soft & cuddly, like giant kittens?

I wouldn't be so quick to laugh, Bill Gates and/or Japan has been funding to do the opposite, rather than insects injecting biological-weapons into the enemy, it's mosquitoes force-injecting you with mercury-ridden H1N1 vaccinations.

Whether that's awesome or not I'll leave up to you.
I'm going to go with awesome. I'd rather have a vaccination than West Nile Virus, Avian flu, and/or Malaria. Keep in mind that Malaria is the world's 3rd largest killer (after cancer and heart disease).
I'd love to see giant puppies, but mosquitoes and dragon flies?? stupid idea

Why couldn't they have focused their attentions on something soft & cuddly, like giant kittens?


And then Jul3 was decapitated by a playful kitten swipe.
I'm going to go with awesome. I'd rather have a vaccination than West Nile Virus, Avian flu, and/or Malaria. Keep in mind that Malaria is the world's 3rd largest killer (after cancer and heart disease).

You would want to remove the option from people whether or not they want a vaccination?
In any society with a government, I would think a simple >50% vote would suffice. How many people do you think would check the "Malaria, Please" box over the "No Thanks" box?

Malaria is a global crisis afflicting half a billion people worldwide [at any given time]. Over 1 million die from the disease each year, many of whom are children

Anyway, there are many other techniques that may be better than the vaccination carrying Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Just see the Related Stories here:

plus many others
I wouldn't be so quick to laugh, Bill Gates and/or Japan has been funding to do the opposite, rather than insects injecting biological-weapons into the enemy, it's mosquitoes force-injecting you with mercury-ridden H1N1 vaccinations.

Whether that's awesome or not I'll leave up to you.

that's odd. not one of those links remotely mentioned mercury ridden vaccinations. I'm guessing you're just stringing the two concepts together cuz obviously that's what the governments do: slowly kill you while trying to protect your health so that ......... ...... ummmm .... oddly enough I cant find a reason that doesnt sound batshit insane; I guess this is where your conspiracy falls apart
that's odd. not one of those links remotely mentioned mercury ridden vaccinations. I'm guessing you're just stringing the two concepts together cuz obviously that's what the governments do: slowly kill you while trying to protect your health so that ......... ...... ummmm .... oddly enough I cant find a reason that doesnt sound batshit insane; I guess this is where your conspiracy falls apart

Consider the mercury part a bonus pinch of condiment spice, from the metaphorical buffet of my supposed paranoia. :dork:

In any society with a government, I would think a simple >50% vote would suffice. How many people do you think would check the "Malaria, Please" box over the "No Thanks" box?

Anyway, there are many other techniques that may be better than the vaccination carrying Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Just see the Related Stories here:

plus many others

The only thing I really have against the idea is the fact the average citizen doesn't really get a choice in whether he wants a vaccination or not.

Sometimes they may or may not be the safest.
that article didnt mention mercury either

in fact maybe you should have read the article:

"The seasonal flu vaccines have been used for about 40 years with an incredibly good safety record," he said.

"What we do each year is we don't change the vaccine, the vaccine is essentially the same, but there's very minor genetic changes in some of the strains, as we keep up with the usual change of the flu."

Professor Bishop said that didn't necessarily warrant a new round of testing, given the swine flu element of the vaccine had already been subject to significant testing previously.

"It doesn't seem to be causing this problem, we haven't had reports at all of any spike in febrile convulsions for the swine flu (vaccine)," he said.
that article didnt mention mercury either

in fact maybe you should have read the article:

All articles I've posted have nothing to do with mercury.

Me said:
Consider the mercury part a bonus pinch of condiment spice, from the metaphorical buffet of my supposed paranoia. :dork:

If you're having problems understanding I am happy to explain it to you in a private message.
Consider the mercury part a bonus pinch of condiment spice, from the metaphorical buffet of my supposed paranoia. :dork:

The only thing I really have against the idea is the fact the average citizen doesn't really get a choice in whether he wants a vaccination or not.

Sometimes they may or may not be the safest.

No, vaccination is actually the safest. On very rare occasions there may be adverse reactions to any vaccine, slightly more common with flu vaccines compared to measles etc as the flu vaccines are constantly changing slightly, but the numbers of lives saved far, far outnumbers those lost.
Like I've already said, the only thing I am against in the whole scenario is the fact you don't get a choice whether you want the vaccination or not.

Though seeing this is just going in circles, Imma' drop it for next time.
Like I've already said, the only thing I am against in the whole scenario is the fact you don't get a choice whether you want the vaccination or not.

Though seeing this is just going in circles, Imma' drop it for next time.

But it won't work if it's optional. Stupid and credulous people will opt out. This will lower vaccination rates below the 80% or so needed for 'herd immunity'. Thus it poses health problems for everyone.
This isn't just theory, the MMR vaccine scare in the UK caused vaccination rates to fall and outbreaks of the diseases followed.

Declining vaccines shouldn't be an option, 'herd immunity' is required so that those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons (such as those suffering from immune diseases or people who have had organ transplants) are still protected.