Britney Spears is the Anti-christ, tries to hang self


May 5, 2004
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Ha ha ha ha, crazy, crazy Britney. Must have too much of a breeze up the skirt...
If Britney were a thread on this forum she'd be locked in three seconds!
Someone put the D: face on her pic or sumut!
I wonder if she's genuinely in trouble or if she's have a whale of a time screwing around with people. If it's the former, she has my sympathies; if it's the latter I salute her.
Pardon me, but the antichrist is supposed to have, among other things, one eye sans pupils and another eye with two pupils.
They're more scared of you than you are of them. Like sharks. Or was it snakes? Oh, I don't know.
Funny how things turn out with some people. If she'll live to be 60 I'll be surprised.
She is obviously being taken over by a demon.
If I came in on that scene, I would have hung her with a bedsheet and made sure it worked and then called it suicide. Britney is a failure. She has officially failed at failing.
I need a better source for wiki.

Meh, nevermind,"thesuperficial" will do.

I doubt it's true, though.
Somebody needs to shoot this bitch in the head ffs.

Put her out of her ****ing attention-whoring misery, seriously.
it was posted on the swedish newspaper aftonbladet a few days ago, so i guess its true.
Quite hilarious...she gives me entertainment.

Please..*lights up cigarette*...continue.
I kind feel sorry for her, she probably realizes how much she f'd up her life by having kids the way she did.
I don't like her music, nor do I like her particularly.
But this is just horrible, I feel really sorry for her, I really hope she gets better, even if means more of her music.


Heard it on the radio this morning. God damn I feel sorry for her.
I saw this in another forum but thought it was fake cuz didnt see it in other sources

but is true?
Remember when Britney Spears was sexy?

... Neither.
bla bla bla bla. its a full moon and brittney is nuts. go figure
If I was a celebrity, I'd **** with people's brains too.
And this is new
It's the moment we've all been waiting for - rapture, the second coming, end times, etc. (John 2:18).

On a more serious note, this is sad - of all the people for which a fate like this would be a fitting irony, Brittany isn't one of them.
Seriously I keep thinking "Ok this is got to be the craziest thing we're going to see from her from now on..." each time something new happens, and yet I keep getting proven wrong. What next? I seriously hope this is over... I feel bad for her.
Seriously I keep thinking "Ok this is got to be the craziest thing we're going to see from her from now on..." each time something new happens, and yet I keep getting proven wrong. What next? I seriously hope this is over... I feel bad for her.

Any bets on how long before Sony pick her up for an ad?