Britney Spears writing "Letter of Truth"


Sep 9, 2003
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it's exactly what we need for mankind, to know more about Britney Spears.

Britney Spears has been spending the last several days writing a missive called “Letter of Truth: I hope you can handle it” — which she plans to post on her fan site.

“It was a life-changing letter for me, and I just want my fans to read it,” Spears told Britain’s OK magazine. “It really states where I am in my life right now. It is making closure with a lot of things and I think this is my ultimate truth.”

The newlywed pop princess says she had some epiphanies after seeing the Broadway production of “Wicked” — a look at "The Wizard of Oz" that’s sympathetic to the Witch of the West, and has worked so hard on her letter that she says, she “feels like I’m at Harvard.”


A lot of people that actually worked their asses off to go to Harvard must be really happy their years of work are compared to writing a "letter of truth" that she hopes "you can handle it".

And if you're wondering about her epiphany, well, let's say angel Gabriel came down from Heaven to tell her to quickly get a marketing scam to get more people on her website.
"feels like I'm at Harvard." Does she?

I'll just point people down to my signature and say no more.
Considering her breasts change size every year or so, and she has "never had plastics" I cant really beileve she knows what truth means. I've yet to meet anyone whos breasts grow and shrink in a seemingly random order.
Ritz said:
Considering her breasts change size every year or so, and she has "never had plastics" I cant really beileve she knows what truth means. I've yet to meet anyone whos breasts grow and shrink in a seemingly random order.

I believe her body mass changes along with her breasts :cool:
Ritz said:
Considering her breasts change size every year or so, and she has "never had plastics" I cant really beileve she knows what truth means. I've yet to meet anyone whos breasts grow and shrink in a seemingly random order.

Maybe that Japanese man with the mobile phone ringtone which affects your subconcious brain, to enhance the size of your tats was secretly placing it in her music :O
The Mullinator said:
"feels like I'm at Harvard." Does she?

I'll just point people down to my signature and say no more.

Yeah that's a classic too :laugh:
Maybe thats one of the things she will write?

Dear Fans,

My name is Britney Robomanica, yes I had my 2nd name changed to "Spears" cus I thought it sounded cool. Anyways I just wanna see im a whore. Oh and I used to be a man.

Lvoe Britney

ps. I bet i can get into hardved.. er, harveed.... harvard thats it, I bet I can get into there now.
I'm curious as to what passes for an epiphany for someone so far from enlightenment.
She's obviously going to be proclaiming her undying love for me... I mean... how much more clear could it be? You think it's a coincidince it being a "LETTER"?!
Letters said:
She's obviously going to be proclaiming her undying love for me... I mean... how much more clear could it be? You think it's a coincidince it being a "LETTER"?!

I saw you posting and I was like "OMGZ0RZ!!!! Britney Spears IS POstingy In TEH HL2 F0RUMS!!111"
You people are very mean to someone who hasnt done anything wrong...
Ikerous said:
You people are very mean to someone who hasnt done anything wrong...
Yes she has...Her horrible horrible music.
Aw.. thats why she's a millionare...
Clearly not all people hate it
And playing bad music
Doesnt warrant having you intellect questioned
Or being called a whore.
I don't know, how about getting drunk and marrying someone in an insta-marriage place.


Oh, and people buy her music because the media tells them to, and the image being forced on them that month lines up with her music.

I really hope she goes broke and has to do porn for the rest of her life, I would LAUGH!
there is nothing worse than an idiot with an audience that listens
Dalamari said:
I really hope she goes broke and has to do porn for the rest of her life, I would LAUGH!
Yea.. that would be funny
Whats better than laughing at other ppl's misfortunes

CptStern said:
there is nothing worse than an idiot with an audience that listens
You mean like bush?
(Or kerry if you're republican)
CptStern said:
there is nothing worse than an idiot with an audience that listens

Looks like you missed the audience part yourself, Stern :P

Kidding :D
Ecthe|ioN said:
I would still bone her if she begged me for it..
Oh don't get me wrong I would too, and if I didn't have a conscious I would also take pictures of her and then get rich by black mailing her and then selling them to the media anyway.
Letters said:
She's obviously going to be proclaiming her undying love for me... I mean... how much more clear could it be? You think it's a coincidince it being a "LETTER"?!

yes, yes.. <nodds> some day.. she will see the light.. :rolleyes: :E

The Mullinator said:
Oh don't get me wrong I would too, and if I didn't have a conscious I would also take pictures of her and then get rich by black mailing her and then selling them to the media anyway.

conscious? oh come on Mully, that is so 18th century :P
it doesn't exist least not on the level of "survival of the fittest" in which "fittest" meaning more money = survival.

i mean its what we work for our whole lives right? ;)
The Mullinator said:
Oh don't get me wrong I would too, and if I didn't have a conscious I would also take pictures of her and then get rich by black mailing her and then selling them to the media anyway.

then scream at her "You've been hilton'd l0olol0lollollzzz"
Dr. Freeman said:
yes, yes.. <nodds> some day.. she will see the light.. :rolleyes: :E

conscious? oh come on Mully, that is so 18th century :P
it doesn't exist least not on the level of "survival of the fittest" in which "fittest" meaning more money = survival.

i mean its what we work for our whole lives right? ;)
Shhhhh!! I don't think britney would sleep with me if she found out my plan. :naughty:
Britney Spears sucks. Simple, she was an innocent little girl when she was younger, but now she's a whore who needs attention with the marriage events that happened.
Britney is stupid. There is no deneying it. She's also ignorant, vain, hypocritical, and talentless. Well, at least talent-lite.

And I'd **** her in a second. :cool:
Letters said:
She's obviously going to be proclaiming her undying love for me... I mean... how much more clear could it be? You think it's a coincidince it being a "LETTER"?!
she already told me its over between you and her.
Look, everybody! It's so "cool and hip" to hate a popstar that made it big! Oh and, she's a whore, even though I know nothing about her personal life!
Shuzer said:
Look, everybody! It's so "cool and hip" to hate a popstar that made it big! Oh and, she's a whore, even though I know nothing about her personal life!

Look, everybody! It's so "cool and hip" to be self righteous by criticizing other people's criticisms! Oh, and she is a whore, and I'd bang her even if she does make crappy music.
Who cares if we know about her personal life or not, her videos are proof enough that she's a whore and I wouldn't care if she died. Ashlee Simpson is way better.
gh0st said:
she already told me its over between you and her.

Shuzer said:
Look, everybody! It's so "cool and hip" to hate a popstar that made it big! Oh and, she's a whore, even though I know nothing about her personal life!

6char limit
:E ;)
i think that britney spears is babeage, but not as much as carmen electra!!!
