Broken edges

i think it happens when part of faces in your model overlap somewhere in the model. when you render it it shoulg go normal. try exporting the model out and importing into a new scene.
Check that you don't have 2 identical models inside eachother from the scene-menu. It happens sometimes when you use boolean etc. and don't remove the remaining parts.
i had the exakt problem, but i solved it by pressing the to Shortcut keys of reseting the view, dont remember the keys because i switched to 3D max studio..was something like W and.....gahh, i dont remember, really sorry!
actuly I think thats how it happend I pressed a acedently and it was like that later when i noticed.

But it seems reseting the camera view with R has seem to have fixed it thanks guys :)
well it obviously didnt happen from pressing A you use R to reset views and A to move tha camera to right in front of the object.