Broken Sword Director's cut (Wii, DS)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Stolen from another forum:

'Out March 2009 apparently, Developed by Revolution published by Ubi Soft.
Based on the original game with new puzzles, new locations and expanded story, also has new animations from Dave Gibbons.
Some screenshots here.'

I never finished the first Broken Sword and am quite looking forward to giving this a bash. Hopefully it'll sell well and we'll get the sequel and other adventure titles. Has anyone played Sam Ad Max on the Wii btw? I'm tempted to pick that up.
They somehow f**ked character faces. I'd play the original if I were you.

I saw this news the other day too and it took me quite by surprise. Still good news though. I loved the first 3 Broken Sword adventures. Broken Sword 2.5 (fan-made) is actually out for free now too and is really fine as well.

I asked for Sam & Max Wii for Christmas so hopefully I will be able to let you know soon enough, though all of them have been awesome for the PC, so I expect this will be no different. Plus seeing it on the big TV in the living room is a good deal too.