Brother's graphics card malfunctioning?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well... he was playing Jedi Outcast, and I was watching him. Suddenly the screen develops these stripes across it, black.

I tell him to close it out. They follow him into the windows desktop. I tell him to reboot... they're there in bios and the power on self test.

So I removed his CPU fan/heatsink, applied a new layer of thermal compound, fresh and good. I also removed the graphics card(radeon 9800 pro 128mb) and dusted it all off completely. They are still there. We tried putting our old geforce 3 in there, and it works fine. So it's definitely the radeon that is having issues.

Is this a overheating problem? When mine overheated(the fan stopped working), it didn't show artifacts in the POST. Only in games I think. But I can't be exactly sure. I do know that the fan on his is working.

I am thinking of getting him the same cooler type I have for mine. What do you all think?

The artifacts I'm describing are numbers and characters all over the screen in a sort of gridlike fashion.
The chip could have been damaged by overheating. 9800pro's are known to run hot (and not very long).
The chip could have been damaged by overheating. 9800pro's are known to run hot (and not very long).

Mine ran for a considerable amount of time when the fan stopped working... while I was playing oblivion. That's when I realized the fan stopped working. It was hotter than the surface of the sun when I touched it.
My 9800 Pro took a lot of abuse and still worked. Sounds like its just overheating...
I bought my graphics card a few months before my brothers. Same type. A few months ago, mine started crapping out, so I had to put a new fan/heatsink on it. It seems reasonable to think that a few months have passed, and now his is starting to crap out... so I ordered the same one I have in mine, and hopefully we'll get many more years out of it.

The geforce 3 and geforce 4 we own still work beautifully. He's using the geforce 3 in his computer right now... and amazingly, it's allowing him to run dark crusade without any lag for the most part, at same graphic settings.