Brothers In Arms - Looking Hot

Certainly looks hawt!

So I heard it uses the Unreal engine right? Delivers some fancy graphics!
I hope to get a DoD feeling here, rather than a CoD feeling.
Damn...not working. I love E3. I want to see this. Did I say I love E3? Well I do.
Wow, nice screenshot.

Well, I can now safely say that E3 has begun. This will be the third E3 vid that im downloading.
Based on a true story? Is that a first for a videogame? That trailer is like a movie trailer.
am I the only one who thinks wwII is fnarking overdone.. also the game looks to be only sub-par.. imo
:cool: I like this game because to me it looks like it has a mix of Medal of Honor and Rainbow Six, a good thing. Another highly anticipated game... 2004 is the year where all my bank goes to videogames and PC hardware :sleep:
Who cares if WWII is fnarckin overdone? It is a great thing to make a game out of. It has endless story material and it gives you a feeling of respect for what those guys really went through. This game seems especially story driven and immersive. Did you hear that young soldier talking about the baseball team while they were back at training camp? I mean, when you hear your buddies start reminiscing about the old times when you would play baseball at camp in a video game, you have got one detailed game.

Call of duty was great, but there wasn't any rememberance of your past with your soldier friends. You never got to talk about each other's lives and you never got to experience the look of fear on the faces of your comrades before you jumped into France.

WWII might be over done in some ways, but when it is done right, it makes for one great, movie-like/novel-like experience. I can't wait. Brothers in Arms looks very promising and I think it has something on MOH and CoD:UO.
This game looks like the game equivalent of band of brothers, where MOH and COD are old style gung-ho war movies.

I only hope some of those 13 men die. Nothing brings a war move/game some weight like a great death scene. If all 13 have to stay alive for the entirety of the game, I'll be annoyed.

Think of the power of a well-voiced game death. i don't care if it's scripted, if once the shooting's over, the medic runs over to a downed soldier, and all the other guys gather around a watch, talking to the wounded soldier, trying to reassure him as he slips away... that would be a hell of a moment for a game.
They showed a bloody soldier on the ground right before the one soldier says "We played on the same baseball team together and even dated the same broad."

It's a true story, I'd imagine people will get killed in some less scripted way.

And you are right about CoD and MOH being the old gung ho war movies like with John Wayne. Brothers in Arms is the game equivalent of BoB.
Amazing... and I thought I am tired of WW2 games. I guess I am not, if this game is emotional on a level where you really star to care about your comrades.
it doesnt look like it will be very dod like. did you see how fast the german was firing his mauser? cant be very "tactical" if youve got a bunch of semi automatic mausers.
take a look at the newer clips of brothers in arms on gamespot... at the higer res, the "dated the same broad" soldier's faces look so amazing... dare i say it, on par or better than HL2. i'll post some shots.

Also, there's a movie with a soldier dead hanging from a tree... the way he swings when shot is better than any physics I've seen.

I know this is early, and we've only seen a miniscule part of the game. All I'm saying is that what we've seen is mighty impressive.

I thought it was on source engine at first, but i still haven't heard anything about the engine they are using.


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I think it looks good and i hope to get it when it comes out.

The only thing that narks me is how come you never get a WW2 fps based on the Empire contribution? Cod has a third british but would this be a cool campaign;
fall of france
North Africa, sicily, Italy
Normandy and advance along the coast

expansion pack or sequel for the far east conflict.

You could write in viewpoints from Brits, ANZACS, Canadians, South Africans, Indians etc.

But alas no call for such a game without GIs in it somewhere :)