Brothers in Arms video

Man this game looks sweet, might be the best WW2 game of the year.
I will be flamed for this... but this game looks a bag of shit. Medal of honor, call of duty. They are all the god dam same!
IchI said:
I will be flamed for this... but this game looks a bag of shit. Medal of honor, call of duty. They are all the god dam same!
But this game has ragdolls yay. Its a different game with ragdolls i think.
Its totaly different aproach when they made this game however.
Everything (houses, bridges, ppl, etc,etc) is like was in real life.
And you have a squad of default number of soldiers that are skilled in variaty ways( not to complicated).
Now, designers knew that there are allready so many WW" games and needed something new.
So they come up to idea what makes ppl enjoy, adict and will one act in real war situation .
They knew that emotions are big part of human interest toward something.
So, you will guide that squad of soldiers all till the new recruites. offcourse it isnt in your interest to lose them couse then will be lot harder to pass through enemy lines.
You cant do it alone.
And the AI of your soldiers will be great.
Im not sure will you be able to control every one of them...but there will be orthers.
And apperantly story line will be comon to saving private Ryan....if your buddy WILL cry :cool:
Very nice avatar Mac. It makes me hungry.

As for Band of ...umm...what's this game? Oh Brothers in something. Yeah cool. It would have been cool if they released it last year.
IchI said:
I will be flamed for this... but this game looks a bag of shit. Medal of honor, call of duty. They are all the god dam same!
Well if you think it that way then Halo, half-life, doom are same shit... but they aren't. I haven't played a bad WW2 game, because each one of them are different and i think it is important to remember those veterans who fought for our lives. Remember that there are never too much games.