Bruno lands on eminem

looks like you had a little accident there, you should grab a kleenex before it dries in.
you realize the falling part was staged...he purposely kept his arm extended. but maybe it got a bit haywire landing balls up on eminem.
It' might be staged, if so, great job Cohen and Eminem, if not, I can see why he got pissed.
The camera's were ready looking at Eminem before Sascha had started to descend, so I'd say its staged. Either way its funny.
I think it was staged on Sascha side, but the reaction of Eminem seems real enough to me.
I lolled.

Legitimate artists shouldn't attend awards-shows. When was the last time MTV was relevant-to anything? -1987? When did the grammys 'discover' hard-rock? -1992? These plastic, commercial-jammed, self-promoting award-shows should be the prime target for a legitimate musician's demonstratively-displayed middle-finger...
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