Brush Vehicles (Example Map)


Jan 19, 2005
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OK, well, this is mainly a showcase of what can be done with Brush Vehicles. I started by using the tutorial provided on www . hl2world . com (it's separated with spaces because this forum apparently hates hl2world) the link to the tutorial is here: http://www.*************/wiki/index.php/Controllable_Brush_Vehicle Just replace the ********** with hl2world. com (without the spaces).

Anyways, like i said, using that tutorial and a prefab from the good ol' boys at Prefabland ( ), i made a flyable F-16 jet. (The original jet that i used was made by Kevin Quang for HL1. Here's the link to the original prefab: )
- Cockpit
- Can fly (kinda)
- Forwards/Backwards = nose up/nose down
- Left/Right = Roll left/Roll right
- Attack2 = Forward thrust
- While in the air, it doesn't seem to like to roll
- Falls REALLY SLOWLY for a plane

I then took another prefab from nicololo, called "hoover-tank" or something, and turned IT into a fully functioning vehicle with an airboat gun on the back. (Link to prefab used: )
- Airboat gun turret on rear that can be controlled by player
- Fancy ladder to get up and ontop of the tank
- Cockpit with driving "chair"
- "hover mode"
- Forwards/Backwards = Forwards/Backwards
- Left/Right = Turn left/Turn right
- Attack2 = "Hover mode" = lifts hovercraft up
- "Hover mode" is unbalanced for some reason, which means that the hover tank will often flip over if overused (BEWARE!). (However, by holding down left/right while hovering, the craft will spin, meaning that the unbalanced thrust on the bottom will be balanced out, (but you may loose your lunch))

Finally, to REALLY go overboard, i took the Command and Conquer Mammoth Tank, made by Chaos (link here: ). And turned it into a vehicle. Now, this one turned out pretty nice; I added sponsons with missile launchers, and the driving 'chair' in the center of the interior of the tank with a view-screen showing a third-person view of the tank (for driving purposes). The main battle-cannon isn't working right yet, (because it used to be a func_tankmorter) but you can get the general idea.
- Top (main) turret
- Left/right sponsons with missile launchers
- Firing slit at front
- Fancy Ladder on side of tank to get up
- Fancy Ladder IN tank to get up to the top (main) turret
- Control Center inside tank with real-time video feed of tank (in thirdperson view)
- Rear entrance/exit (use to open/close)
Upon entering Control Center:
- Forward/Backward = Forward/Backward
- Left/Right = turn left/turn right
- Point 'n click
- Ladders are a bit finnicky
- Main turret fires some sort of combine-suppressor (giant lazer beam from the sky) (UNINTENTIONAL FEATURE, should shoot a "cannon"-like weapon)
- Turrets and door are not rendered in MATT_FULLBRIGHT 1 and show up black (use flashlight to see)

Now for the bad news about the map/vehicles:
1. None of the attached guns on either the hover-tank or the Mammoth Tank will fire when in HL2 DM. (I don't know how to fix this, nor if it's even possible to fix it)
2. I did a REALLY half-assed job on texturing these, so they are NOT HL2 quality vehicles right now.
3. The Mammoth Tank is chock-full of EXPENSIVE mapping techniques, (both from myself and Chaos), so don't bother complaining about that.
4. Because of #3, and the fact that these are all BRUSH vehicles, the lighting engine is shot to hell. So it only works on MATT_FULLBRIGHT 1
5. Also, for some reason, it doesn't want to apply MATT_FULLBRIGHT 1 to the Mammoth Tank's turret, sponsons, or rear door. I have no clue what's going on there.

Once again, this is NOT a fully-functioning map, merely a demonstration of what is possible with brush-vehicles.


P.S. DO NOT try ramming a strider with a vehicle
P.S.2 IF you want to find out what happens, ram a strider with a vehicle :LOL:

EDIT: THE MAP was too big to upload (22kb over), so this link will point you to the VMF file:

Have Fun!!
Interesting, when I have more time I'll give them a spin, although brushvehicles aren't really the ultimate way to go about it.

I'm impressed by the fact that you got them all working. Maybe we could get together on a project, I was thinking about some sweetass maps for CSS with big outdoor areas (Using the dispgen program recently released on these boards) with some buildings and stuff smacked in to it all. These would be great maps for having vehicle wars, with drop off/pick up points being houses of different kinds.

What do you say?
Hell yes!!

I think that's a pretty cool idea, with big streets and some vehicles, running down terrorists... heh...

I don't usually play a lot of CS or CS:S, but i'll have a few goes at it and see what i can throw together for some CSS vehicles. I'm not sure if the turrets will work in CSS, but i'll give it a try sometime.

Yes, well, vehicle combat has always turned me on. Best would be if we could make it destructible, so that you can shoot off parts (Maybe a tire, depending on how we build the vehicle).

Anyway, you should have a look at dispgen, I wasn't talking about streets as much as I was talking about landscapes, the fun part :p.
I've already come up with a fairly good way to make vehicles destructible: make the func_physbox (the brush vehicle itself) have a health value, so that it'll break when enough damage is applied, and add triggers like OnBreak Killtarget everything associated with the vehicle.

I'll work on an example, but i'm pretty sure it'd work. You might have to re-load the map every time you wanted a vehicle though...

I dont think so, I thought everything gets restored at the start of each round...
We shouldn't actually kill it but replace it with debree.

Also, geelen, there's a big list of entities *not* reset at round restart. I'm not sure right now but I'm pretty positive that you can fake stuff not being reset (By setting them to the values they were through entities that store/save/restore each round). I'll have to look in to that.

Anyway, vehicles can be reset to their original positions with out without tweaks so don't worry about that. Thing is if we want to have randomized vehicle selection for added fun. Also, we should do more than one of these maps :).

Edit; Do you have MSN, btw?
If you want the destroyed vehicle to come back, just use that object_spawn thingy, i dont know ow it works nor the real name... but i know it exists and does work. When panzer is destroyed, make it give the spawner a message and then spawner spawns a new one. Easy?
... They're called point templates and nothing else. I already said it was doable one way or another. Your input wasn't helpful but I guess you meant well.

DaMaN, where did you run off to?
Huh? *looks up from 3 week sleep*

No, just kidding, i had a ton of exams come down on me like a pile of bricks and haven't been able to do a thing untill now. Anyways, someone wanted these maps here:

It's a rolling ball vehicle that can squash people, has a veiw-screen, and... yea...

You can't get into it right now without noclipping, but you can modify that on your own if you want. (or make a teleport to inside it)

And i'll get right on those re-spawnable vehicles... ;)


Just give them all similar names or something... humpf. You need to make it so that you can refer to it as one single entity.

Oh, wait, that's me not thinking. Use a point_template and then have a logic_auto with these outputs
OnMapSpawn (For CSS)

Something like that will do the trick. It'll spawn a new vehicle every round. Might want to place a big box which removes the vehicles on map somehow so that there aren't several if they survive the round or run down a pit or something..
Yea, point_template is what i'm thinking of. What kind of a vehicle should i make? (Car, tank, beach-ball, jet, etc)
Well none of them work in CSS so if you could get them working in CSS then that would be great (My HL2DM compiler refuses to work anyways).