Brutal Memory Leaks


Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
I have included the log of my map... and highlighted the memory leak.. but I have NO idea how to fix it. If I run the map, then disconnect but leave CS runnning.. my comp dies. I mean everything dies... I can't even Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Any idea how to fix this?

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\counter-strike source\cstrike" "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Dec 15 2004)
2 threads
materialPath: c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials
Loading C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.prt...done (0)
Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox office...
Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (215914 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Writing C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.bsp
2 seconds elapsed
[B]Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: 48
Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: 1[/B]

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\counter-strike source\cstrike" "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Dec 15 2004)
2 threads
reading c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.bsp
reading c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.prt
 242 portalclusters
 724 numportals
BasePortalVis:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
PortalFlow:          0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (10)
Optimized: 15 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 31041
Average clusters visible: 128
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 238
visdatasize:17039  compressed from 15488
writing c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.bsp
10 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -game "c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\counter-strike source\cstrike" "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb"

Valve Software - vrad.exe (Dec 15 2004)
----- Radiosity Simulator ----
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[1 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.bsp
458 faces
201477 square feet [29012696.00 square inches]
91 displacements
35974 square feet [5180362.50 square inches]
458 patches before subdivision
4788 patches after subdivision
5 direct lights
BuildFacelights:     0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (21)
BuildVisLeafs:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (3)
transfers 199118, max 224
transfer lists:   1.5 megs
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #1 added RGB(469, 326, 187)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #2 added RGB(70, 36, 11)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #3 added RGB(14, 5, 1)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #4 added RGB(3, 1, 0)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #5 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0093 sec>
FinalLightFace:      0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
FinalLightFace Done
Ready to Finish
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ComputePerLeafAmbientLighting: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10

Object names       Objects/Maxobjs  Memory / Maxmem  Fullness 
------------       ---------------  ---------------  -------- 
models                   2/1024           96/49152    ( 0.2%) 
brushes                 59/8192          708/98304    ( 0.7%) 
brushsides             426/65536        3408/524288   ( 0.7%) 
planes                 378/65536        7560/1310720  ( 0.6%) 
vertexes              1183/65536       14196/786432   ( 1.8%) 
nodes                  437/65536       13984/2097152  ( 0.7%) 
texinfos                64/12288        4608/884736   ( 0.5%) 
texdata                  5/2048          160/65536    ( 0.2%) 
dispinfos               91/0           16016/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_verts            2275/0           45500/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_tris             2912/0            5824/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_lmsamples       87788/0           87788/0        ( 0.0%) 
faces                  458/65536       25648/3670016  ( 0.7%) 
origfaces              208/65536       11648/3670016  ( 0.3%) 
leaves                 440/65536       24640/3670016  ( 0.7%) 
leaffaces              425/65536         850/131072   ( 0.6%) 
leafbrushes            180/65536         360/131072   ( 0.3%) 
surfedges             2936/512000      11744/2048000  ( 0.6%) 
edges                 1695/256000       6780/1024000  ( 0.7%) 
worldlights              5/8192          440/720896   ( 0.1%) 
waterstrips             47/32768         470/327680   ( 0.1%) 
waterverts               0/65536           0/786432   ( 0.0%) 
waterindices           633/65536        1266/131072   ( 1.0%) 
cubemapsamples           0/1024            0/16384    ( 0.0%) 
overlays                 0/512             0/180224   ( 0.0%) 
lightdata             [variable]      416424/0        ( 0.0%) 
visdata               [variable]       17039/16777216 ( 0.1%) 
entdata               [variable]        6362/393216   ( 1.6%) 
occluders                0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder polygons        0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder vert ind        0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
detail props          [variable]           1/12       ( 8.3%) 
static props          [variable]           1/1290     ( 0.1%) 
pakfile               [variable]        9906/0        ( 0.0%) 

Win32 Specific Data:
physics               [variable]      215914/4194304  ( 5.1%) 
==== Total Win32 BSP file data space used: 949341 bytes ====

Linux Specific Data:
physicssurface        [variable]           0/6291456  ( 0.0%) 
==== Total Linux BSP file data space used: 733427 bytes ====

Total triangle count: 1188
Writing c:\steam\steamapps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\cs_tomb.bsp" "C:\Steam\SteamApps\noisymonk\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\cs_tomb.bsp"
memory leaks mean nothing
at least they do nothing to me

you might want to check your settings or something
This is only a very recent problem. I just happened after one of my compiles. I've been doing the same thing for 3 days, and this has never happened until today. I get some sort of memory leak with every map I make, I think everyone does, but it doesn't do anything really... but this one is different and definitely does something.
now I'm scared.. I didn't even run the map this time, I just compiled it and kept using hammer and it still messed up my comp until I closed hammer.. So I'm guessing that its Hammer that is screwing with my memory? So.. what the heck do I do??
when all fails delete the whole mess and the folder in the steam folder and then reinstall it
i think it´s a bug that has something to do with the recent sdK update. Hammer seems to have bad memory handling since the update.

verc faq says that compiling memory leaks is nothing to be worried about.