Building a new comp! Suggestions welcome!


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I am trying to keep this build under $1200 unmarked American dollars.

I know what I want. 8800, 2 GB ram, Q6600, but I need you to suggest me the best parts!

The quad core Q6600 is a must, but the rest I rely on you dear folk of HL2 to choose wisely and lead my DX10 gaming computer in the right direction.

Thanks! :D
if you're into gaming, E6850>Q6600
and a P35 mobo by gigabyte is a good choice
if you're into gaming, E6850>Q6600
As long as you don't plan on taking advantage of effects coming up for quad core CPUs that some games have planned.

Same argument was used with dual core for awhile. It's true, you can get a faster speed CPU with less cores for a similar price. And while games do not take advantage of quad core CPUs you made the right choice. But once those games with 'quad core effects' get released, would you rather have the unique effects or 5+ more FPS on all the non-quad core games?

Hard choice really. And dual core -> quad core is a much harder choice than single core -> dual core was.
I'm not looking for debates here people although I can always listen to Asus , but I am looking for the best parts for my moniez!

I'm getting the Q6600 without a doubt. Now, all I need is you know, the rest of the computer. I need RAM, Mobo, case, PSU, videocard, and any other essentials you might recommend!

I've been out of the loop with PC parts for 2 years, so I have no idea what to get anymore.
Look into the 680i by evga for your motherboard if you want to sli with two gpu's. If you don't want to sli then go with what b man suggested.
I bought this system: Now I say the case is quiet. There are some cheap looking switches that control the fans and you can set them to low. It's silent on that setting but it gets pretty loud when on high but that's temp to blow out excess heat. The CPU cooler is pretty nice too and performs great. It does fit inside also. Be sure to watch for the new stepping process on the CPU. I got the B3 which is the older one. The new one is supposed to run cooler, overclock more, and use less energy. Doesn't really matter though. Fans are more quiet because they are bigger which push more air through. You don't want tiny little fans with cheap ball bearings so bigger is better. I think my only gripe is that putting on the side panels on the case are a little bit of a pain.
Overclocking might happen in the future, but I still would like to have that option available if I decide to!

I want the final cost to be ~$1200! So just make a list of parts for me! :]
Here, one computer however with no hard drive or OS or DVD drive. I think you can select it your self if need be. There is several mail in rebates about $100-$150 I believe. On adding it up $145 it is. So it leaves you $212.07 dollars to get anything else.

I'm going to see if I can create a slightly better one with the q6600. I think if you can live with out it you could get a better motherboard for the new Intel chips this Christmas.
If you guys can see this wishlist:
Comment on it!
Suggest, suggest, suggest!
I'm not sure on the RAM or the Case but am positive about everything else, unless you guys have something other to say about it.

Actually, I'll link the parts as well.

DVD Burner

Now suggest!

I wanted a simple case with a window. If you guys can find a sturdy one that is better than this and is just as simple, I'd love to see your suggestion.