Building a PC inside a... fridge.


Sep 8, 2004
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I'm getting a new rig, and by some oh-so-lucky coincidence I'm also throwing out my old fridge in favour of a nice new white one. Now, I'm going to be building this new computer pretty much from scratch, just keeping the HD and monitor, and gutting the mobo/processor/GFXcard/RAM in favour of some newer tech.

Now, I was thinking about getting some watercooling in so I could start OC'ing a little further, and I was thinking, what if I built suitable supports, put the mobo and all the gubbins directly connected to that in the fridge,and drilled holes in the door for the cables to keyboard/mouse/monitor/CDRW?

Has anyone tried this before; does it work? Or does it just get hot and screw up the fridge? Let's face it, it's probably a completely dumb idea, but if there's any chance of sorting out something I'd be well up for it.
Hmm, sounds like a neat idea. But the condensation might kill the comp, with the water build up and all. Then again, I don't know, so if someone more knowedgeable than me can elaborate or somthing, that'd be nice.
Warm air + cold air = condensation....right?
Nothing a little silica wouldn't solve, though, right? Or is this going to ruin my sound idea :(
id say get enough silica though, not just like one like baggy thingy
Sounds like a shit idea, for several reasons.
A fridge or freezer cannot keep up with the heat the computer kicks out.
Why do you think ya mam always says "don't put the hot pudding in the fridge"
You will find it is actually a lot hotter putting it in the fridge than having it outside, fridges are designed to be excellent insulators.
There is also they fact when you turn the comp of you get condensation.........water aint a good idea as you hopefully know.

Sorry for ruining your plan buddy..
short recoil said:
Sounds like a shit idea, for several reasons.
A fridge or freezer cannot keep up with the heat the computer kicks out.
Why do you think ya mam always says "don't put the hot pudding in the fridge"
You will find it is actually a lot hotter putting it in the fridge than having it outside, fridges are designed to be excellent insulators.
There is also they fact when you turn the comp of you get condensation.........water aint a good idea as you hopefully know.

Sorry for ruining your plan buddy..

Heh, s'aight, got a spare fridge, figure I may as well check out all the possibilities before I drive down to the trip.... tk for suggestions.
Put it in the fridge as a modded case dont have a working fridge parts in there. :P If its a minifridge, that'd be cool.
also the walls of the fridge have some chemical in them if I remember correctly (in the pits running through the walls) and drilling into it would fux it up.
Wouldn't your drives and pcb's and cpu die all crack and thus die from the rapid cooling or heating?
How about this, find a real old computer for really cheap or free and heavily overclock it(for heat testing) and do that as a test subject.