Burger King vs Gaming blog Kotaku


May 5, 2004
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yesterday gaming blog Kotaku (i'm a regular reader) posted this story:

Burger King To Sell Xbox 360 Games?

Kotaku said:
Hamburger flipper Burger King is considering a promotion that offers 3 exclusive BK-branded games. Each would feature their own characters (in this case, the actual Burger King) in “popular” genres (fighting, action and racing). The action game is apparently similar to Halo, while the fighter combines Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Just tack on a “with hamburgers,” and you get the drift.


ok the King was funny at first but now they've beaten it to death ..it's 15 minutes of fame are over ..time to try a new campaign burger king, video games are just a little too much

ok if the thought of a video game featuring this guy



is a little weird, it gets weirder. Today kotaku got a cease and desist order from lawyers representing Burger King

Kotaku said:
Turns out that despite all those breaking into people’s homes, running across football fields and trying to shove people off high rises, the King isn’t as cheerful a guy as one might suspect.

The General Counsel for Greenfield Online, the company conducting a survey about Burger King possibly creating some next-gen King-infested video games, was the opposite of delighted to learn that we were sent the information along with concept images.

The GC of GO (for BK) claims we are violating the intellectual property rights of Burger King and demands we remove the images and text post haste.

We’re not taking down the post, but we will take some of those scrumptious breakfast sandwiches the King has been peddling. We’ll gladly trade in our claim of Fair Use for a bag full of delicious sausage Croissan’wiches


just another story of corporations trying to stomp on the little guy ..sue the guy who leaked the info, not kotaku. Your contract was with the market researcher NOT kotaku, they have zero obligation to not disclose any information they received through legitimate means
The king is already in Fight Night Round 3 as a fight promoter, he kicks ass

That's pretty stupid.