Burned corpses?


Dec 20, 2005
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I'm just bothered by one thing in HL2

Why are there burned corpses( just the head or the whole body) spread all over the game? What has happened to these poor people? Who is responsible?

Have no doubt in Valve Software!!
Oppressor said:
Who is responsible?
The combine.
I actually don't know, I believe it might have something to do with the left out enemy Cremator, or it may just be Civil Protection killed them and never bothered to remove the corpses.
Probably the Cremator. it's head is seen in a jar in BME and I think it sprays something that makes organic matter ignite.
Well, most of these burned/charred corpses are close to something hot/flammable. So I guess that is what killed them.
there is a huge dragon residing in city 17 somewhere :smoking:
I'll just fill in for Angry Lawyer till he gets here, what he'd say is...

The cremator is the one that burns those corpses, it clears the streets of disease and such like using its weapon attached to its arm called an immolator (or something), it shoots plasma, which would burn the stuff, and has splash damage i believe. So yeah, its the cremator, cleaning the streets.

Angry Lawyer, oops i mean Hectic Glenn
Hectic Glenn said:
I'll just fill in for Angry Lawyer till he gets here, what he'd say is...

The cremator is the one that burns those corpses, it clears the streets of disease and such like using its weapon attached to its arm called an immolator (or something), it shoots plasma, which would burn the stuff, and has splash damage i believe. So yeah, its the cremator, cleaning the streets.

Angry Lawyer, oops i mean Hectic Glenn
You forgot the '-'.

A lot of them are also seen near beasts, traps and toxic waste so the generic ghastly effect may also designate that the poor bastards were eaten, melted, or just plain rotten away.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
A lot of them are also seen near beasts, traps and toxic waste so the generic ghastly effect may also designate that the poor bastards were eaten, melted, or just plain rotten away.
They don't look rotteted to me. There is also a burned up rebel sniper in Highway 17, but he was bext to a petrol tanker so maybe he burned to death that way.
Those corpses creeped me out, I was always expecting them to come alive and attack me.
Oppressor said:
I'm just bothered by one thing in HL2

Why are there burned corpses( just the head or the whole body) spread all over the game? What has happened to these poor people? Who is responsible?

Have no doubt in Valve Software!!

Cremators (Who did not make the final cut) spray an acid all over the bodies, it basically eats away at their skin. I think a Cremator's purpose was to clean the mess the soldiers leave behind.
Maybe they aren't all charred, but just decayed
Ooh, thats creepy.... So the cremator is that green thing in the jar in Elis lab?
Oppressor said:
Ooh, thats creepy.... So the cremator is that green thing in the jar in Elis lab?
Well, that's just its head.
Those bodies are the only thing that keep me from playing half life 2 at nights!
Lord Raisin said:
Those bodies are the only thing that keep me from playing half life 2 at nights!
What about Ravenholm?
Oppressor said:
Ooh, thats creepy.... So the cremator is that green thing in the jar in Elis lab?


- http://www.gamereactor.se/bilder/?textid=3061&id=19557

ríomhaire said:
What about Ravenholm?

I have played Raveholm in the dark... With headphones... All alone...
well...if you dont know, earth was invaded by horrible aliens and war raged on earth...im pretty sure SOMEONE will get a little burn bruse...
I am a wimp with scary games. I was going to enter the cheat code just so I could skip ravenholm. But I beat it anyways. In the day time ofcourse!
HEhe, the scary thing is/was that I didn't know what happened to those corpses. But is seems like the answer is the Cremator after reading Raising the Bar
I thought you guys were just taking the piss with this "cremator", like saying "the water is green and toxic in the waterways level because of a character that didn't make the final cut called 'the Urinator'. I even had a good laugh! Now I'm not so sure. Are you guys serious?- Was there a dropped character called the cremator?
Apparently so, yes. That's a nice picture posted above there, haven't seen it before. You can see the resemblance of its head with the thing in the green jar in Eli's lab in Black Mesa East. If you walk up to it, Eli sometimes says 'we still don't know what that is, Alyx found it', or something along those lines.

I'm very much hoping that Cremators are included in Half-Life Aftermath, though how their absence from the main game would be explained, I'm not sure. We'll have to see...
Aspe said:
If you walk up to it, Eli sometimes says 'we still don't know what that is, Alyx found it', or something along those lines.

Are you sure about that? That hasn't occured to me yet after several play-throughs, I just thought Eli would say something when I looked at the jar
Oppressor said:
Are you sure about that? That hasn't occured to me yet after several play-throughs, I just thought Eli would say something when I looked at the jar

Hmm, interesting. I'm not certain, but but you could try pressing E when you are looking at it; I press E when I'm close to everything, partly out of habit, and partly to see if anything happens. It may be the trigger for Eli's remark. I can definitely say that every time I've pressed E while looking at it, Eli has spoken, though it may be a coincidence. Have a go. :)
Ooh, I will try it out. But I also possess the "use" reflex, and I must have done that on this occasion also. But as a matter a fact, Eli says the other comments when Gordon just looks at the photo and the newspapers, like an auto-trigger effect.
But I don't think you lie, I will try again :p
The Cremator was a "Janitor" that would clean the remains of a shootout/battle. So, the bodies would just disolve to nothing.
So unless the particular bodies in question was a Cremator rushing
his job.....
Oppressor said:
Ooh, I will try it out. But I also possess the "use" reflex, and I must have done that on this occasion also. But as a matter a fact, Eli says the other comments when Gordon just looks at the photo and the newspapers, like an auto-trigger effect.
But I don't think you lie, I will try again :p

he said the cremator comment to me when i looked at it after he said "take a look around" or something
I was playing it again today, and Oppressor, I can confirm it is not actually necessary to use the E key after all, as Bull Goose Loony has said. It's an auto-trigger effect like the other things. Keep trying, he should say it.
Ok Aspe, can you quote the line Eli speaks at this particular occasion? Is it as you said before?

Aspe said:
'we still don't know what that is, Alyx found it'
Maybe the Cremators just don't get seen much, or aren't used in City 17...

I think they are coming back in AM, just like alot of cut stuff.
I hope you're right, evilsloth. :)

Oppressor, I'm pretty sure Eli says the following: "We still don't know what that is; Alyx brings in the strangest things."

Hope that helps.
Aspe said:
Oppressor, I'm pretty sure Eli says the following: "We still don't know what that is; Alyx brings in the strangest things."

Hope that helps.
Yep thats exactly what he says, i didn't get the newspaper trigger first time i played, but i remeber getting the little bit on the cremator's head.
I think it's
"We still don't know what that does; Alyx brings in the strangest things."
HEhe, well now it's a fact Eli says this sentence. Wierd it didn't occur to me :S
And it would surely be cool if the Cremator walked about the streets in Aftermath yes :D :D :D
Oppressor said:
HEhe, well now it's a fact Eli says this sentence. Wierd it didn't occur to me :S
And it would surely be cool if the Cremator walked about the streets in Aftermath yes :D :D :D
It might, with all the corpses from the Combine overthrow and the citadel going sploeey and all
YEah, there's every possibility it will. Maybe you wont get an opportunity to kill one, just seeing him lurking in the shadows.... :D
Does all of this really matter ?! *YES*

I rest my case.
ríomhaire said:
I think it's
"We still don't know what that does; Alyx brings in the strangest things."

Ah, you're right, I remember now. Thanks!